25 Pence Age Addition Payment For Over 80s

On 21 March 2013, Chancellor, George Osborne, made no mention of increasing the Age Addition Payment of 25 pence per week paid to pensioners receiving the State Pension on reaching the age of 80 years. Conference is very concerned that the age addition of 25 pence per week was not increased in the 2013 Budget. […]

Breast Cancer Screening

The NHS Breast Cancer Screening Programme provides free breast screening every three years for all women aged 50 and over. At present routine invitations are sent to women up to age 70 and in England the age range is being extended to age 47 to 73. This extension should be completed by 2016. However, the […]


This Conference notes there is inequality of screening in the the Health Service. Once people reach 70, they are not automatically called for screening, but have to request it. This gives people the assumption that the incidence of diseases goes down, whereas with breast cancer the incidence actually increases after 70. This gives rise to […]

Pledge to Close the Health and Care Gap

NHS and Local Government leaders have announced a shared commitment to ‘close the gap’ between the health and care systems. A series of pilot projects will begin in the autumn of 2013 to explore new ways of pooling budgets, speeding up discharge from hospital and conducting assessments. This initiative is to be welcomed – if […]

Medication Packaging and Content Issues

Modern day packaging of many types of medication is becoming increasingly difficult for elderly people to cope with, in particular the ‘bubble strip’ type packaging of tablets. This type of packaging often results in the user suffering finger cuts and sometimes the destruction of the capsule encased in the ‘bubble’. In addition to difficulties with […]

TUC Pensioners’ Committee

This Conference considers that the Trades Union Congress (TUC) Pensioners’ Committee is not as effective as it could be and that as a result the TUC sometimes fails to gain pensioners’ support for its aims and campaigns etc. Conference considers the committee would be more effective if: 1)Its constitution and purpose were clearer and more […]

Removal of Gender Discrimination in Pension Provision

Conference notes that the median income of a woman pensioner is less than two thirds that of a man and that two thirds of pensioners living below the poverty line are women. This shocking injustice is the result of lifelong discrimination at work. In general compared to men women earn less so they save less […]

Future Directions dispute in Rochdale and the use of anti union laws

Conference deplores the use of anti union legislation by Future Directions, a Community Interest Company, to frustrate a 96% vote for industrial action by its workforce in Rochdale on a ballot turnout of 72%. On 24 May 2013, the employer secured an interim injunction to restrain a three day strike (barely 12 hours before it […]

Scottish Independence and possible impact on Pensioners

This Conference notes the referendum on Independence for Scotland will be held on 18 September 2014 and if carried it is likely Independence will be gained in 2016 – less than 3 years from now to totally separate the existing integrated financial systems and set up new systems for both Scotland and England/Wales/Northern Ireland. Even […]

Bangladeshi garment workers

Conference shares the shock and horror felt around the work at the death of over 1,000 mainly female garment workers in the collapse of a factory building in Rana Plaza, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Dangerous working conditions are endemic in the garment industry in Bangladesh and deaths are shamefully all too common. The scale of this tragedy […]

Rule C Unemployed Members

Rule C 2.4.1 After “redundant” add: “or having accepted a compromise agreement as an alternative to dismissal.” After “date if dismissal”, remove “or” and add “,” after “redundancy” add “or agreement”.

Work capacity assessment and the denial of disability

Conference rejects without qualification the revised Work Capability Assessment (WCA) that underpins the government’s drive to deny people who are sick or disabled the financial support they need because they cannot secure paid work. Thousands of disabled people’s lives are being turned upside down by the new assessment regime used to decide eligibility for Employment […]

Rule H Payment to Branches

Delete existing wording of Rule H.4.2 and replace with: “With effect from 1 January 2014 such sums shall be remitted by branches in accordance with a timetable to be published to branches concerned by the National Executive Council and paid into a current account held in the name of the branch with Unity Trust Bank.”

Rule D Composition

Rule D Delete “Rule G.9” and replace with “Rule G.10”

Rule G The Branch Committee

Add new Rules G 2.2.8 and G 2.2.9: “.8 shall from 1 January 2014 maintain records of its financial transactions, assets and liabilities using the national online branch accounting system (OLBA); .9 shall from 1 January 2014 develop an appropriate annual budget as part of the joint branch assessment process in accordance with the Union’s […]