Protecting National Collective Bargaining for the National Probation Service and Community Rehabilitation Companies

Conference notes with concern the threat to the future of the National Negotiating Council (NNC) for the Probation Service. The NNC was created in its current form in 2000 to cover the amalgamation of probation boards and the creation of a single-table bargaining machinery for all probation staff. Since that date, the NNC has been […]

Recruiting and Organising in Police and Justice

Conference notes that five years of public sector cuts to police and justice have taken their toll on UNISON membership levels across all Sectors within our Service Group. Conference recognises that these cuts are likely to be repeated over the course of this current parliament and will only intensify the pressure on our membership. While […]

Co-ordination of Pay Claims for all Police Staff in England and Wales

Conference notes that UNISON represents members working for police forces in England and Wales whose annual pay award is not decided by negotiations at the Police Staff Council for England and Wales. These members include: a)Police staff working for forces which are currently opted out of the Police Staff Council, namely: Kent Police, Surrey Police […]

Protecting UNISON members in the Community Rehabilitation Companies

Conference notes that on 1 June 2014, 8,000 former Probation Trust staff were transferred from the outgoing Probation Trusts to one of the 21 new Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs) as a result of the government’s misguided Transforming Rehabilitation reforms. On 1 February 2015, the CRCs were sold into private ownership by the Ministry of Justice. […]

Defending National Collective Bargaining in Police and Justice

Conference recognises that National collective bargaining has delivered decent pay and conditions for our members in police, probation and CAFCASS over many years and is something worth defending. Following the general election result, national collective bargaining may come under pressure from employers and politicians who do not support a national focus to pay and conditions […]

Opposing the Collaboration of Force Control Rooms

Conference recognises the desperate cost saving initiatives forces are considering to meet the brutal funding gap imposed through the Governments comprehensive spending reviews. The service cuts being imposed on an already decimated police service are putting our members and the wider public’s lives at risk. The recent attempt to collaborate the Norfolk and Suffolk control […]

Police Force Alliances and Shared services – Learning the Lessons

Conference notes that in 2013 MP Damien Green spoke to the delegates at Police and Justice Conference and spoke about the great alliance going on between West Mercia and Warwickshire Police. As was pointed out the great success he was celebrating was not as great as he was trying to convince us. Not only had […]

Opposing the Closure of Public Access Points at Police Stations

Conference recognises the unsavoury and unpopular cost saving decisions that Police Forces are considering to meet the ruthless funding gap imposed through the comprehensive spending reviews which are being continued by this government. The service cuts are putting the public, our members’ lives and their families at risk. The local Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) […]

Consideration of a Rule Change

The region notes that under Section C no.2.6.3 it specifies that ‘Retired Members shall be entitled to attend branch meetings and to vote on issues not relating to the pay and conditions of members in employment. They will be entitled to stand for office and vote only for the positions in the Retired Members’ organisation […]

Equal Old Age Pensions for Women

Conference notes that women who paid reduced National Insurance rates or ‘married women’s stamp’ for some or all of their working lives, are disadvantaged as a result of lower NI payments, unable to receive a state pension in their own right at retirement age. Conference are very concerned that most women were not told of […]

Raising awareness of prostate cancer treatment inequalities for older men

Prostate Cancer UK has researched the way older men receive treatment for diagnosed prostate cancer. In their report ‘5 Inequalities/ 5 Solutions’, the evidence produced reiterates the need that the action called for in Motion 16, UNISON National Retired Members Conference 2014, Southport, should be implemented urgently together with more specific action to further the […]

Improving the implementation of motions carried by the retired members conference

Each year, Conference carries many worthwhile motions and it is important that they are followed up and implemented to the best of UNISON’s ability. Unfortunately, much Conference time is also spent debating motions which, while not necessarily identical, are often very similar to those carried in previous years. Whilst this is helpful in keeping issues […]

National Police Air Support

Conference notes that the recent restructure proposed for the National Air Support service agreed by National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) formerly known as ACPO. Conference believes this is also supported by the North West Lead PCC. The new structure clearly shows a North/South divide on future provision in this key area of policing. We believe […]

Regional Devolution – The Implications for Police

Conference will be aware that Regional devolution in the North West will be a testing ground for future public sector provision as the funding changes and commissioning responsibilities involved in these new arrangements are put into practice. Devolution in the context of austerity and ever tightening budgets creates a significant concern that there is a […]


Conference notes that delayed discharge from hospital by elderly patients, commonly known as bed blocking is a major problem in many hospitals. Following admission to and treatment in hospital when elderly patients are well enough to be discharged they are frequently unable to do so for two main reasons: 1. some have been admitted from […]