Exiting the EU – A Fair Deal For Workers and Public Services

Conference notes that the triggering of Article 50 in early 2017 is a decision that affects working people, their families and communities in the UK, in the European Union and broader Europe. The Exiting the EU negotiations require that the government both seeks to leave the EU but also negotiates a new relationship and trade […]

Race Inequality in the Workplace

Conference notes that despite efforts to bring further equality into society, evidence shows that Black workers are still being held back in the job market. The amount of Black members holding senior posts still remains low while unemployment amongst Black people remains high, particularly amongst young Black people, and Black workers are also more likely […]

Energy Conference and Energy Branch Seminar

Conference notes the importance of the two main events in the Energy Service Group year – namely our Annual Conference and our Annual Branch Seminar. Both of these events are occasions of interaction and learning for our activists and also an occasion to recharge the batteries of our enthusiasm. However, it has been noticeable over […]

Mental Health Champions

Mental health issues are reported to affect one in three of us throughout our lifetime. Although statistically women are more likely to develop common mental health issues than men it is an issue that impacts all of our members. A recent survey also suggests that there has been a marked increase in mental health issues […]

Tackling Stress

Conference understands the large scale of harm to members caused by work related stress, including sickness and serious illness, and the personal cost to members and their families, and even premature death. The 2016 TUC survey of safety reps confirmed that stress was the biggest health and safety concern and that it is getting worse, […]

The Crisis in Health and Social Care

Conference, there are three areas of concern. The crisis in Social Care, the underfunding of our NHS and decimation of our Community Care services, all combine to create a perfect storm. The scale of the problems now faced by adult social care providers are enormous, and are the direct result of massive Government cuts to […]

An organising strategy for the Social Care workforce

Social care plays a vital and growing role in our society. Yet increasing demand, falling real terms funding, and increasingly complex care needs has put the sector under significant strain. Social Care workers are often the people who are at the sharp end following cuts in public services elsewhere – dealing with clients who cannot […]

Abortion Rights (50th Anniversary of the 1967 Act)

Conference notes that the 1967 Abortion Act will be 50 years old in 2017. Prior to 1967 around 100,000 illegal abortions were carried out each year in Britain and it is estimated that 35.000 women were hospitalised each year due to botched back street abortions. No one really knows how many women actually died, but […]

Why we need to build a new housing consensus for affordable and decent homes for all

The neverending UK housing crisis means that millions of workers and their families live in expensive, overcrowded and insecure homes. Often these homes are long distances away from work or family and involve many hours of daily commutes. Conversely UNISON research has shown many families have grown up children living with them not out of […]

Stepping up the campaign against bullying and harassment

Conference reaffirms its policy of a zero-tolerance approach to bullying and harassment. Conference welcomes the development of the work by UNISON’s young members to raise the issue of bullying and harassment of young workers, and notes the disturbing results of the survey of young members conducted in October/November 2016 on this issue which revealed: 1)Nearly […]

Rule D Structure of the Union at National Level

Rule D 2.1 Replace “a young members’ seat” with “two young members’ seats” Rule D 2.5 Amend title – replace “seat” with “seats” In first paragraph: replace “representative” with “two representatives, at least one of whom must be a woman” In second paragraph: Replace “seat” with “seats” Rule D 6.2 Replace “member elected to the […]

Health and Social Care Integration

Conference notes that across the UK there are a number of current initiatives seeking to bring about the integration or transformation of health and care services. The Welsh Government continues to recognise this agenda as being of national strategic importance. These include, but are not limited to, the Five Year Forward View and Sustainability and […]

After the General Election

Jeremy Corbyn has inspired millions with his election campaign, and the fruit of that work was seen in the stunning election result which has stripped the Tories of any legitimacy to continue in government. It is a result that represents a massive rejection of austerity. Conference adds its congratulations to Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell […]

Pensions and Climate Change

Conference acknowledges the importance of well sourced pension schemes that provide reasonable returns so that members can live with dignity after retirement. Conference acknowledges the value of legislative changes that allow trade union representation on pension boards as a positive step. Conference recognises that the threat of global warming to our environment and to the […]

EU Exit and Workers’ Rights

Conference notes the Conservative Government’s plans for Brexit which represent a significant risk for working people in the UK. The EU has played a key role in protecting workers from exploitation, inequality, hazards and discrimination, and in promoting good employment practices. The referendum result does make Brexit a reality and that democratic decision must be […]