Celebrate the Bus! Help Keep the Bus Pass

“Conference congratulates the Trades Union Congress (TUC) Midlands Region Pensioners’ Network on its ‘bus tour’ of the Midlands between 7th and 21st April this year to coincide with the tenth anniversary of the English National Concessionary Travel Scheme. Working with a range of local partners who included retired members of at least thirteen UNISON branches […]

Raising the profile of equalities in the police service

Since the advent of austerity, equalities and diversity have become less of a priority in the police service. Training where it exists, is no longer the quality that we would expect and our members have suffered as a consequence. Prior to 2010, equalities training was seen as the bedrock of delivering a fair and discrimination […]

Members delivering services for private contractors within policing

A number of our members have been transferred to the private sector as part of TUPE transfers. These members are feeling as though they no longer fit into the wider organisation of the service group. It is essential that branches continue to offer the support necessary and to maintain a profile with the new employers. […]

Young Members in the Police Service

Young members are the future of our union and it is important that we provide as much support as possible within the workplace, enabling them to see the value of trade union membership within the Police Service. Not only do we need to support young members at work, we need to encourage them to become […]

Police Resources, the cuts and the impact on staff

The ideological swingeing cuts that have been placed on the police service for more than seven years have had a profound impact upon our members’ health and well-being. With up to 25% of force budgets being cut, we have seen a vast reduction in the service to the public, and to police officers and staff […]

Suspension is not a Neutral Act

Conferences notes with concern that UNISON members who are under investigation by their force or the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) appear to be facing longer periods of suspension for misconduct reasons, where they are removed from their workplace, isolated from their colleagues and generally left to look after their own welfare and mental […]

Justice For The Windrush Generation

Conference notes that while the Windrush scandal has led to the resignation of Home Secretary Amber Rudd on 30 April 2018, the policies themselves are still in operation and compensation schemes will be delayed while public consultations are held. Conference is appalled at the treatment that UNISON member Michael Braithwaite and other members of the […]

National Insurance

The National Insurance scheme as established in 1948 to provide unemployment benefit, sickness benefit, retirement pension and various other benefits to employees and pensioners in the UK. Employed people who have not reached state retirement pension age and their employers contribute to the scheme through @National Insurance Contributions’ (NICs), which are based on a percentage […]


This conference instructs the National Retired Members’ Committee (NRMC) and calls upon the National Executive Council (NEC) to raise awareness, by any means at their disposal, to the pending threat of the removal of the Post Office Card Account (POCA). This account is used by thousands of pensioners and less able people as a safe […]

Older People and Loneliness

This conference calls on the National Retired Members’ Committee (NRMC) and requests the National Executive Council (NEC) to liaise with other agencies to raise awareness of loneliness and its affects in particular, on older people. Loneliness often comes about as a result of the lack of transport in rural areas together with the lack of […]

Police Staff Pay Negotiations

Police Staff in England and Wales were frustrated by the amount of time the 2017 pay negotiations took to be resolved. The very small gains that were known in January 2018 were consulted upon in February 2018. These small concessions were largely lost due to the amount of time it took to consult with our […]

Flexible Working

The landscape for all workers is becoming increasingly difficult in these times of austerity imposed by a Tory Government. As an energy sector, it is all too common to see our call centres becoming outsourced and frustrations around shift patterns are a common theme. Our members are being told that they have to work to […]

Human rights and equality protections in Northern Ireland

In the light of the recent political difficulties on the restoration of devolved Government in Northern Ireland we face the threat of direct rule via the Tories, some of whom are disgracefully trying to dismiss the Good Friday Agreement for their own ends. It is fair to say that the vast majority of people in […]

Report back on combining Energy Conference and Energy Branch Seminar

This conference notes that at last years energy service group conference 2017, a motion submitted by the Scottish Electricity Branch was agreed by delegates, calling for a report into the setting up of a combined energy seminar and conference. It also called for this to be reported back to the 2018 energy service group conference. […]

Privatisation and PFI – Building the Campaign

Conference notes: 1)UNISON’s sustained opposition to privatisation and the private finance initiative for more than two decades; 2)The positive role played by UNISON in securing the motions opposing PFI at the labour party conferences in 2001 and 2002 as UNISON demonstrated the negative impact of such schemes; highlighting that PFI contractors were cutting the pay, […]