There is no place for Transphobia

Conference believes that transphobia and bullying of trans people can still be common place in our workplaces and society, but unfortunately it can sometimes occur within in our union. Many transgender workers face a difficult time at work, but when they turn to their trade union they expect a much better response. Conference it seems […]

Holy Redundant – Remove Bishops From Parliament

Conference notes that current proposals to reform the House of Lords include retaining automatic seats for twelve Church of England Bishops. Conference finds such a proposal a ludicrous affront to equality since it amounts to reserving seats in parliament for heterosexual men and celibate gay and bisexual men. Conference also notes the negative role the […]

There For You

Conference notes that: 1)UNISON Welfare is an independent charity supported by UNISON; 2)In 2011 the charity issued new publicity material with a slogan “There For You”; and, 3)This publicity made much use of photographs of people who might be taken to be UNISON members who have benefited from the charity and/or who have been its […]

Living Wage v Dickensian Poverty

The Eastern Region is a large mainly rural area including Norfolk, which is the sixth most deprived county in England. Great Yarmouth, Norwich, Kings Lynn and Thetford are ranked in the top 10% of most deprived areas in England, based on the Index of Deprivation. There are also hidden pockets of deprivation scattered across the […]

Hate Crime – on the increase in times of austerity

Racist and other violence motivated by hatred towards a particular group is a common problem in Europe and the United Kingdom. Unfortunately with attacks reported on ethnic and religious minorities, asylum seekers, refugees, migrants, lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender (LGBT) people and other vulnerable groups in recent years hate crime seems to be on the […]

Keep the English, Welsh and Scottish Defence Leagues in Your Sights

Conference, most people know that the British National Party (BNP) is a racist party, however fewer people realise that the English Defence League (EDL), Welsh Defence League (WDL) and Scottish Defence League (SDL) are also racist, fascist parties. What is particularly worrying about the EDL, WDL and SDL is that they proclaim themselves to be […]

Defending LGBT Public Services and Jobs

Conference deplores the Tory-led government’s brutal and unnecessary cuts on public services many of which have had a particular impact on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) and young people. Conference further deplores the increased age threshold to 35 for full housing benefit entitlement. Cuts to public sector funding have had a knock on effect […]

Mental health and drug treatment services for LGBT people

Gay men in Scotland are nearly eight times more likely to have attempted suicide in the last year and four times more likely to have taken drugs than heterosexual men, according to a survey by Stonewall Scotland from earlier this year. The survey of gay and bisexual men’s health found that 3% of gay men […]


Conference notes the final offer on the NHS Pension Scheme for England and Wales was published on 9 March 2012. UNISON members in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are currently being balloted on the offer with full information on what it will mean for them and the consequences of rejection. Conference deplores the decision of […]


Conference notes with deep concern new research by UNISON on the disproportionate impact of public service cuts on Black workers. This research, conducted as part of UNISON’s Challenging Racism in the Workplace and piloted in Greater London in November- December 2011 and results of which were analysed in January 2012 showed that Black women working […]

Defend the Knowledge and Skills Framework and promote the Equality Agenda

Conference notes that the Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF) has had a turbulent integration within the NHS. There have been widespread variations regarding the success of the KSF across NHS employers. Conference remains committed to the belief that KSF is an in invaluable tool in the NHS and used properly it is a method of […]

COMP C – Equal Marriage

Three in five people of faith in Britain support equal marriage! Stonewall’s five yearly polling of public attitudes shows that more that 80% of British adults under fifty now support the proposal. Civil partnerships are not enough, and as such treat us differently from everyone else. This is discrimination. You should not have to tick […]

Health and Social Care Bill

Conference reaffirms its complete opposition to the Government’s Health and Social Care Bill. Conference believes that the Bill is the biggest threat to the English NHS in its 64 year history. Despite minor changes made by the so-called “listening exercise”, the fundamental dangers of privatisation, fragmentation, instability and inequity remain. The Bill will turn the […]

Safe Staffing Levels and Patient Ratios

UNISON Health conference expresses serious concern about employers’ attempts to dilute skill mix and staffing levels as part of cost-cutting within the NHS and the impact which this can have on patient safety. We note a huge amount of variability in workforce planning, together with scientific evidence demonstrating the value of appropriate skill mixes to […]

Partnership Working Under Pressure

Conference notes the acute challenges our members face in the current climate of radical structural reforms (in England), budgetary constraints and efficiency savings targets, all of which are taking a serious toll on the NHS workforce. Employers under pressure to reduce costs are looking at every conceivable way to save money. Increasing numbers are tampering […]