White Ribbon Campaign

Conference condemns Domestic Violence and abuse in all forms and guises. Conference therefore instructs the Service Group Executive to support International White Ribbon Day on 25th November 2008 by circulating to all branches UNISON’s advice on dealing with Domestic Violence and abuse and an information sheet on the White Ribbon Campaign.

Disabled Police Staff – the poor relation?

This Conference is concerned that police staff struggle to get the same level of support offered to police officers. Reasonable adjustments are not easily available and little regard is taken in the Personal Development process to ensure that police staff are afforded appropriate opportunities to develop their careers and enjoy the range of job opportunities […]

Victims of Domestic Abuse

Conference believes our members are often placed in a vulnerable position when they are victims of domestic abuse. The employer tends to follow their own domestic abuse policy which relates to that of a service provider and not that of an employer. The absence of such policies often leaves our members open to further vulnerabilities […]

Police Staff Training

This Conference notes the importance of better training for Police Staff. Police Staff for many years have been treated differently from police officers when it comes to police training. This Conference calls upon the Police Staff Service Group to listen to police staff needs, and lead a campaign to identifying training needs, in particular in […]

Supporting Women in Education

Conference believes in promoting education for all, but often that is not the situation for our women members. They find themselves balancing their lives around home and work without the opportunity or encouragement to develop for themselves or their employment. UNISON within the East Midlands region has recently run a women’s lives course with a […]

Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) and the Police Federation

Conference notes that at the 2008 Police Federation Conference reference was made on a number of occasions in a negative manner to the role of Police Community Support Officers. Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to request consultation and discussion with the Police Federation in relation to the role of PCSOs and the negative comments […]

Positive Revision of PSC Handbook

The Police Staff Council (PSC) handbook has been used for some years. There is now a need to review the handbook in order to ensure it is meeting our member’s needs. For example, in recognition of widespread current practice relating to leave where reference is made to a ‘day’ or ‘days’, the handbook could make […]