Safe Ageing No Discrimination

Most people, not just lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people, are reluctant to talk about ageing and dying. Many do not make adequate plans. LGBT elders may face extra barriers because of perceived or actual heterosexism from their contemporaries and from the services upon which they rely. Ageing Trans people have voiced concerns about […]

Equal Pensions

Conference notes that the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013, which applies to England and Wales, required the UK government to review the differing treatment of widows, widowers, surviving same-sex spouses and surviving civil partners in occupational pension schemes. UNISON, other trades unions and the Trades Union Congress (TUC) made submissions to the review. They […]

No to Pinkwashing. No to Israeli Apartheid.

“No to Pinkwashing” is a group of Palestine campaigners, trades unionists and socialists based in Britain with strong links with the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and with UNISON. “Pinkwashing” is a public relations tactic used by Israel. Israel is increasingly unpopular all over the world because of its occupation, settlements, the Apartheid Wall and the blockade […]

International labour movements, trade unions and LGBT equality

Conference welcomes the progress in recognition that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights are human rights, including labour rights, with more countries adopting laws prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. However, even where legislation is in place, many LGBT workers still face discrimination. For transgender people, the picture is particularly bleak. […]

We Need You – Branch LGBT Officers

Conference notes that equality is at the heart of UNISON. We have a long history of challenging discrimination and winning equality in the workplace and beyond. Whilst we have made great strides towards lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality and recognition of our rights, there are still areas where members experience discrimination, bullying and […]

UNISON membership monitoring

Conference notes that the 2013 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Conference wholeheartedly adopted motion 12 about introducing LGBT monitoring for members participating in our structures: committees, conferences and training events. The motion called for the LGBT committee to seek to ‘Work with the appropriate bodies within the union to introduce sexual orientation and gender […]

LGBT rights and national collective agreements

Conference is concerned at increasing pressure to move away from nationally agreed terms and conditions. These hard fought-for protections represent years of negotiation by many valued trade unionists, who worked tirelessly so future generations could be treated with dignity, equality and respect. Conference will forever be thankful to them. These national collective bargaining and pay […]

Bisexuality – the hidden sexuality

Conference notes the research ‘The Ups and Downs of lesbian, gay, bisexual (LGB)s workplace experiences’, published in January 2014 by Manchester Business School. Findings for bisexual workers were particularly marked, including: 1. Bisexual people reported the highest levels of bullying and discrimination at work within the last 12 months – higher than lesbians and gay […]

Building on our work on tackling biphobia

Conference welcomes the resolution carried at the 2013 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) conference, reaffirming the principles and values of our group, including our commitment to zero tolerance of biphobia. Conference further welcomes education and training sessions at our conference, for the national LGBT committee and for branch and regional LGBT groups on identifying […]


Conference is horrified that in July 2014 bombing raids are targeting 1.7 million Palestinians trapped under siege in Gaza, and shocked at the wave of racism and violence targeted against Palestinians. Following the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli youths, Israeli leaders incited racism and hatred. Benjamin Netanyahu called for revenge and described Palestinians as […]

What we want from a Labour Government

Conference will note the recent report from the National Centre for Social Research, highlighting the austerity measures introduced by the Conservative and Liberal Democrat (ConDem) coalition government. This report showed the cuts have had a disproportionate effect on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people. Many LGBT workers have found themselves out of work, struggling […]

Homophobic Teaching in Schools

It has become apparent through press reports on Thursday 19th June that over 30 schools across the UK are using textbooks from the US-based Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) curriculum, which teach amongst other abhorrent views: that Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) can be avoided through religion; that homosexuality is a sin and a choice; evolution is […]

A caution with consequences?

Conference notes that when someone commits a minor crime, the police or Crown Prosecution Service can decide to give them an out-of-court disposal instead of taking the case to court. The disposal is often called a ‘caution’. Cautions are meant to be used for less serious crimes, for example low level criminal damage. Cautions are […]

For LGBT generations united

This conference believes there has been truly significant progress in achieving equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in the workplace and society in the United Kingdom, but agrees there is still more to do reach true equality here, and much more so around the world. This conference believes that the work of […]

Launch a national challenge to Hunt’s divisive pay strategy

Conference notes that on 13 March 2014 Secretary of State Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt released the 28th Report of the NHS Pay Review Body and announced the Department of Health’s pay policy for NHS Staff in England from 1 April 2014. Subsequent announcements were made by Ministers in Scotland and Wales about the pay uplift […]