Changes to Shift Allowances – don’t think this will not affect you

Proposals from the employers side to remove or reduce shift allowance from Police staff is a dangerous move which will have an impact on more than just shift workers. Staff who work shifts are paid a shift allowance in recognition of the anti-social hours that they work. This pay makes up a large proportion of […]

117 Aftercare for the elderly and retired members

Conference is concerned at the effects of Section 117 of the Mental Health Act especially as far as it affects elderly and retired people. Section 117 of the Mental Health Act places a statutory duty of aftercare on Health (Health Authority delegated to Primary Care Trusts) and Local Social Services Authorities (LSSA) to provide aftercare […]

Equal marriage – equal divorce

Conference welcomes the vital role of Cafcass staff in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children during family court proceedings. This includes promoting the welfare of children when their parents are separating or divorcing and can’t agree on arrangements for their children, ensuring the children’s voice is heard. Conference notes that lesbian, gay, bisexual and […]

Bring back diversity

Conference notes that the Police Service, the National Probation Service and the 21 Community Rehabilitation Companies are facing ever deepening cuts. Equality and diversity officers, equality initiatives and diversity training can be seen as easy targets, a luxury for the good times, contrasted to so-called front line services. Conference asserts that equality is never a […]

Police knowledge and experience

Conference notes that police staff occupy a wide range of roles throughout the police service, from Crime Scene Investigators to Intelligence Analysts, from Licensing Officers to Data Protection Officers. Police staff in these and other roles have a wealth of knowledge and experience that they have brought to the role and developed whilst in the […]

Police and Crime Commissioner Elections 2016

Conference understands that along with the return of a Conservative Government comes the continuation of Police and Crime Commissioners (PCC) and their elections in May 2016. In 2012 when the first elections took place the turn out of the electorate was poor to say the least, we believe with many communities not understanding what the […]

Attack on Facility Time

Conference, the Cabinet Office Guidance of Trade Union Facility Time & Facilities in the Civil Service, published in October 2012, by the union bashing Tory government has had a devastating impact on our public sector colleagues in the Civil Service and, as a consequence, our even closer colleagues in the Probation Service who are now […]

Older People and the NHS

Conference is concerned to note that, as a result of a United Nations Directive, services provided for older people within the National Health Service may have to be curtailed as more resources are given to people who are under 34 years of age. This will happen unless more resources are put into the NHS to […]


In February this year research by the National Energy Action group warned that at least 100,000 householders could die needlessly across the UK between now and 2030 due to an inability to heat their homes properly. 75% of those affected will be pensioners which will include UNISON Retired Members. The report from manifesto for Warmth […]

Recruitment and Retention of Activists

Conference condemns the large number of job losses in Local Government which are a result of the Tory led coalition cuts. Conference acknowledges the particular impact this has had on Local Government branches, the loss of members and often the loss of experienced activists. Conference is angry but recognises that these losses will continue for […]

A Lobbying and Campaign Strategy for Local Government Pay

Conference notes that local government pay and conditions remain the lowest in the public sector and that the effect of funding cuts on the Local Government workforce is largely overlooked by elected members and politicians. However, a reduced role for local authorities leads to greatly diminished local democracy. Conference also notes that:- 1)The 2015/16 Local […]

When is a Co-op not a Co-op

Conference Notes:- 1)The continued promotion of co-ops, mutuals and social enterprises by the Coalition Government as being a preferred delivery of local council services. By giving public sector workers a right to form mutuals, co-operatives and other arm’s length companies, the government claims to be giving power to local communities and offering a greater role […]

Low pay and women

Conference notes that the erosion of pay in local government has had a particularly detrimental effect on women workers. 1)Women now make up the vast majority of staff in local government, but are disproportionately represented in the lower grades; 2)The majority of staff on zero hours contracts are women, with many of those women receiving […]

Devolution and Local Government

Conference notes that the Westminster Coalition government’s ‘austerity’ measures are causing devastation across local authorities and other UK public services. UNISON members working in them are facing redundancies, cuts to pay and conditions, increased workloads and increasing privatisation. Integration of social care and health is a further issue affecting all four UK nations. Conference recognises […]

Towards a £10 per hour Living Wage

This conference notes and applauds the major campaign being waged by the BFAWU (Bakers Food and Allied Workers Union) within the national fast food takeaway companies, in partnership with the Fast Food Rights Campaign and Youth Fight For Jobs. The main thrust of this campaign is to recruit and organise young people into trade unions […]