Call Centres

Conference notes with concern the recent report published by Mitial research which claims that one third of Britain’s call centres will close by 2005, due to a predicted exodus of contracts to emerging markets such as India and South Africa. Conference also recognises that Energywatch and Ofgem intend to focus on customer response times this […]

Self Organisation in Energy

This Conference welcomes the initiatives by the Energy Service Group Executive to foster and encourage self organisation in the Energy service – e.g. Lesbian and Gay Day, Disabled members’ Day, Women’s’ Seminar and Black Members Group. Conference urges branches, in consultation with regional self-organised groups, to encourage self-organisation in electricity and gas branches.

Ending Discrimination in Pensions Provision

Conference notes that the issue of pensions has never been so much in the public eye, with widespread concern about the ability of schemes to deliver security in retirement. Conference further notes that Energy members belong to a number of different pensions schemes, which have different terms and conditions. Conference welcomes the fact that some […]

The Employment Act 2002

The Employment Bill 2003 introduced a whole host of welcome changes to Working Terms and Conditions. In particular it introduces the right for employees to request a change to working hours based upon child-care needs. This is a positive step in securing flexible working arrangements for our members. However, in order to ensure that UNISON […]

Discrimination against part-time staff in the electricity supply pension scheme

The ruling determined by the House of Lords, that the Electricity Supply Pension Schemes had discriminated against part-timers by denying them access to the pension scheme, means that may UNISON members will see their pensions fully restored. This is undoubtedly excellent news, but requires positive action by our Employers. As this action is not forthcoming, […]

Non-contribution to Pension Schemes by Employers

We note with concern the proposals currently being considered by this ‘Socialist Government’ that employees may be permitted to work to 70 in order to provide adequate pension provisions for their retirement! This comes against a background of over 200 companies closing their final salary scheme in 2002 alone, and the knowledge that Energy Companies […]