Council Tax/Pension Increase

Conference urges the National Retired Members’ Committee to use its best endeavours to obtain the support of the National Executive Council in establishing a fair and equitable balance between annual pension increases and annual council tax increases by way of appropriate rebate.

Carers’ Allowances

Conference requests the National Executive Council to call for a review of the carer’s allowance paid by the Government and the abolition of the rule that the allowance is abated or cancelled once the carer has retired and is in receipt of a pension of £43.15 or more per week.

Widows’ Pension Rights

Conference urges the National Executive Council to take every possible action, including under the Human Rights Act 1998 if appropriate, to remedy the injustices, inequalities and discrimination contained in the Local Government Pensions Scheme Regulations in relation to members’ provision for widows and widowers of post-retirement marriages.

Cost of Non-Residential Care

Conference wishes to express its concern that local authorities across the country are raising the cost of non-residential personal or nursing care to those most vulnerable who rely on these important services. Conference calls on the National Retired Members’ Committee to ask the National Executive Council to mount a campaign under the “Right to Care” […]

Safety on Pavements, Footpaths and Pedestrian Areas

Conference requests the National Executive Council to seek all means to implement the present law relating to motorised vehicles and cycles and anything that obstructs the use of pavements, walkways, pedestrian areas and verges as this endangers the physical security of legitimate users with specific reference to senior citizens.

Tenants in Common Agreement

Conference calls on the National Executive Council to seek legal advice regarding the setting up, by individual UNISON retired members, of a tenants in common agreement which relates to privately owned property.

Say No to the Employers’ Pay Commission Proposals

Conference notes with alarm the Employers’ evidence to the NJC Local Government Pay Commission which: 1Seeks to restrict national bargaining to the annual pay settlement 2Suggests optional use of the current pay spine 3Calls for an end to Part 3 conditions 4Regards ‘contribution pay’ based on individual performance and behaviour as the means to link […]

Improving Local Services

Conference endorses UNISON’s support for world class public services and commits itself to working with councils to achieve that aim. However, Conference believes that the Government’s approach centres on a ‘big stick’ approach to performance management, rather than serious investment in staff and services, which hinders, rather than helps councils and staff to improve. While […]

Local Government Service Group Executive Report

This Conference receives the report of the Local Government Service Group Executive.

Workforce Training and Development

Conference notes that the government’s emphasis on improvement in local government service delivery continues. While Conference supports the call for top quality public services, Conference also believes that an increase in investment in local government workforce development and training is central to the improvement of local government services. Conference welcomes the joint work with the […]

Lessons from the 2002/3 Local Government (England, Northern Ireland and Wales) Pay Dispute

This Conference welcomes the report on ‘Lessons from the 2002/3 Local Government (England, Northern Ireland and Wales) Pay Dispute’. Conference also notes that a similar exercise took place in Scotland post the 1999 dispute. Conference calls on the SGE to ensure that its recommendations are acted upon at all levels of the union, after discussion […]

Privatisation and Fair Wages

Conference condemns the Government’s continuing push for privatisation of local government services. It notes that this has been accompanied by a failure to address either the weakness of the TUPE regulations or the broader problems of the two-tier workforce in privatised services. However, Conference, welcomes the Scottish Protocol on Public Private Partnerships which recommend that […]

Service Group Conference

This Conference supports the principle that consideration of prioritised motions should remain the primary function of Conference but also makes the following recommendations: 1)That participation in the prioritisation process be promoted 2)That conference time be allocated for a maximum of two external speakers of strategic importance to members in the local government service group 3)That […]


Conference reaffirms the continued right of all our members providing local government services to a decent pension through the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS). Conference also calls for an adequate state pension which does not penalise our low paid members through the means testing ‘clawback’ of their LGPS contributions. Conference notes that the average local […]

Funding for Social Services

This Conference wishes to applaud the efforts of all those who work in social care providing crucial services to the most vulnerable members of our communities. We believe that it is only the dedication of these workers which has kept services running while government and employers have failed to provide the leadership and the funding […]