Staffing Shortages in the NHS and their Impact on Women in the Workplace

Conference notes with concern the impact that staffing shortages in the NHS are having on workers’ lives. In particular, staffing shortages can impact on: 1)Flexible working requests not being accommodated by employers. 2)Staff with existing non-standard working patterns being pressurised into changing their working hours, which could create problems with care arrangements and other home […]

At Least a Living Bursary for Student Healthcare Professionals

Students in the healthcare professions put a lot of time and effort into working with patients and directly contribute to the NHS during their studies, which is why UNISON is rightly proud of our Pay not Poverty Campaign for Student Nurses. UNISON has also led the calls for a Living Wage for all workers, making […]

Proposal to Reduce the Agenda for Change Working Week to 35 Hours per Week

Over 30,000 jobs have been lost in the NHS since the current government took office and at the same time, they have put in place a pay freeze for NHS staff between 2011 and 2013, and following on from that, caps on any pay award in the public sector at an average of 1% increase […]

Defending Agenda for Change

Conference notes that the coalition government has increased the financial pressure on health organisations. Cuts that were earmarked for 2015/2016 have been brought forward so that the health economy now has to make a further £500 million in saving in 2014/15 on top of the savings already demanded. It is likely that Trusts and other […]

Privatisation within the NHS

Conference notes that the now defunct South West Pay Cartel advised member trusts to consider ‘alternative employment vehicles’ as one of a number of what they called ‘pay optimisers’ to cut NHS pay and conditions of employment. Conference further notes that one trust in the South West recently set up their own private company, of […]

‘Trainee’ Nursing Assistants

Conference notes that the NHS South of England recently promoted an apprenticeship programme for employers looking at recruiting staff into bands 1 to 4. Their ‘NHS Manager’s Guide’ suggested a number of options for NHS Trusts to employ new ‘apprentices’ without them having to employ staff at the bottom of the appropriate pay band including: […]


Conference notes that for several years NHS staff have seen their pay squeezed by more than 10% in real terms. Two years of a virtual pay freeze were followed by a miserable 1% for 2013. Since 2010 essential living costs have increased out of all proportion to our members’ pay. Electricity prices have jumped by […]

Prepare Members for Collective Action

Conference notes that the Kings Fund and Audit Commission have reported that the majority of Health trusts face extremely difficult financial circumstances to meet the £20 billion in efficiency savings demanded by past and present governments. It also appears likely that any future government will continue with these so called efficiency saving or cuts. Conference […]

Protecting members against racism in the workplace

Migrant workers continue to be extremely vulnerable to race discrimination and false allegations of abuse from patients / care home residents and their families. They are also less likely to have colleagues coming forward as supportive witnesses. While UNISON already supports its members from overt racist discrimination from an employer, there is not always a […]

The Coalition Government proposed Landlords to become Immigration Officers by checking immigration status of their prospective Tenants from 2014.

Conference is extremely alarmed by the CONDEM Government intention to make legislative requirement for the UK Landlords to check the immigration status of all prospective Tenants from 2014. Conference is concerned that Landlords will be required by Law to request evidence from the prospective tenants and their families, friends, and any other person (s) living […]

Black LGBT Activism

Conference believes in the importance of Black LGBT activism within UNISON at branch, regional and national level and notes that encouraging this and breaking down any barriers is an important organising issue. Recruitment and training can play a crucial role in increasing Black LGBT participation. Black LGBT members have vital contributions to make to ensuring […]

Black LGBT workers – the cost of the Con-Dem cuts

Conference condemns the head-long cuts programme of the Tory-led coalition government. Conference notes that their ideology-driven austerity agenda – which they publicly claim is for the sake of our economy – is in fact standing in the way of delivering the jobs and growth that we need. Conference welcomes UNISON’s exposure of this government’s failings […]

Media and the impact on Black Communities

Conference the brutal murder of Lee Rigby was both horrific and left a nation shocked at this brutal act on the streets of Woolwich. Conference condemns the actions of those that carried out this murder and reject stated motivation for their actions. However, Conference is deeply concerned at the increasing attacks, verbal, physical attacks and […]

Encouraging Black activists

Statistics have shown that Black workers continue to be amongst the groups most likely to join a trade union. However, these figures do not continue in terms of Black members becoming activists. There is a gap between Black members joining UNISON and becoming active. Nevertheless, the very essence of trade unionism is the power of […]

Zero hour contracts and impact on Black Workers

Conference, since the coalition have taken power there has been mass redundancies, with many jobs being frozen and those who have survived are facing massive attacks on pay and conditions and threats of zero hour contracts. Black workers appear to be disproportionately affected by this. Government figures suggest there are approximately 250,000 people on zero […]