Conference is concerned that the creation of a single Police Service in Scotland has resulted in an unachievable savings target of £1.1 billion by 2026. Coupled with the Government led austerity agenda there are going to be further cuts to Police Staff jobs in order that the budget is balanced. Conference also notes the employers […]
Conference motions
Conference notes that five years of public sector cuts to police and justice have taken their toll on UNISON membership levels across all Sectors within our Service Group. Conference recognises that these cuts are likely to be repeated over the course of this current parliament and will only intensify the pressure on our membership. While […]
Conference recognises that National collective bargaining has delivered decent pay and conditions for our members in police, probation and CAFCASS over many years and is something worth defending. Following the general election result, national collective bargaining may come under pressure from employers and politicians who do not support a national focus to pay and conditions […]
The region notes that under Section C no.2.6.3 it specifies that ‘Retired Members shall be entitled to attend branch meetings and to vote on issues not relating to the pay and conditions of members in employment. They will be entitled to stand for office and vote only for the positions in the Retired Members’ organisation […]
Conference notes that the recent restructure proposed for the National Air Support service agreed by National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) formerly known as ACPO. Conference believes this is also supported by the North West Lead PCC. The new structure clearly shows a North/South divide on future provision in this key area of policing. We believe […]
Conference notes that delayed discharge from hospital by elderly patients, commonly known as bed blocking is a major problem in many hospitals. Following admission to and treatment in hospital when elderly patients are well enough to be discharged they are frequently unable to do so for two main reasons: 1. some have been admitted from […]
Conference notes recent media reports highlighting the issue of elderly patients who are approaching the end of their lives often being left on trolleys in hospital corridors with insufficient pain relief and left alone to die. Conference agrees this demonstrates a total lack of dignity, care and respect and as such is totally unacceptable. Whilst […]
The formation of the Police Service of Scotland by the Scottish Government in their Police and Fire Reform Act (2012) has left the service unable to recover VAT. HM Treasury has made a decision to not allow the Scottish Police or Fire & Rescue services to reclaim VAT due to the construction of that Act […]
Conference is extremely alarmed at the confusing muddle and poor level of provision of out-of-hours services in the NHS. This particularly affects elderly and retired people trying to stay living in their own homes and not to burden the diminishing public services, and seeking not to lose all their means by being placed in a […]
In light of the disastrous election result in May and the resulting announcements that further cuts will be made to public services including Police and Probation. Theresa May has clearly stated in her speech to the Police Federation on May 20th “there is no ducking the fact that police spending will have to come down […]
Conference understands that all Police Staff are employees and as such are covered by employment law etc. As employees we have certain rights and responsibilities which are supported by statutory legislation. Our Police officer colleagues having sworn an allegiance to the crown are in service and are therefore covered by Police regulations. Conference understands that […]
We are all experiencing the effects of government cuts and the impact upon the police service. Officers and Staff are best placed to observe the difficulties the austerity program is causing to the service and the people who work within it. It is therefore important that these difficulties are reported accurately and the facts are […]
Conference is concerned that Health and Safety has fallen off the list of priorities for the service group. Many of our members continue to work in hazardous circumstances, such as environment and stressful situations. It is important that the Service Group ensure so far as is reasonably practicable, that Health and Safety remains a key […]
Conference notes that whilst dementia can apply to people of all ages it primarily affects older people. Conference further notes that the level of funding for dementia research is considerably lower than that for other illnesses. Conference believes that there is an urgent need to increase the amount of money needed for research into the […]
Conference opposes any attempts by Governments across the UK to cut universal benefits for older people such as the winter fuel payment, free bus pass, free prescriptions and free TV licences. These benefits are essential to ensuring a decent standard of living and social inclusion for millions of pensioners who face daily poverty, fuel poverty […]