Conference notes with concern the problems some disabled members encounter in attaining and/or receiving information requested under the Freedom of Information Act 2000; especially whilst requesting information where some constraining time limits are involved. Both the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) will not currently send information and letters […]
Conference motions
The Disability Discrimination Acts introduced for the first time a duty to make reasonable adjustments for disabled people. The Equality Act outlines three areas where employers and service providers must make reasonable adjustments. These are: a) Adjustments to a provision, criterion or practice; b) Adjustments involving the provision of auxiliary aids and services; and c) […]
This conference is concerned about the level of discrimination currently faced by disabled people including the State Orchestrated Discrimination that this government implements against us on a daily basis. To fight this effectively we need to ensure that disabled people are represented at all levels of society including in our own union. Branches and regions […]
This conference is concerned that positive action measures have been afforded to members of self organised groups that have not been afforded to disabled members, in particular in the union’s advice on the scheme of branch representation and in the union’s rule book provision to address the underrepresentation of women and black members. Whilst this […]
This Conference is concerned that the work programme from the Disabled Members Conference does not appear to have acted upon by Branches and Regions. This Conference is also concerned about the lack of transparency regarding the work of the National Disabled Members Committee Conference therefore calls upon the NDMC to: 1.publish the work programme for […]
The Government’s Big Society idea is not convincing as a progressive vehicle for advancing social justice and equality for disabled workers. For a start its context goes hand in hand with deep and reckless cuts in public spending that are already producing disproportionate reductions in the living standards of disabled people. Government attacks on the […]
Conference agrees that the flexible working arrangements which have been adopted by employers are of immense value to many disabled workers as well as workers with care commitments for a disabled member of their own household. The fact that employers in the public sector have signed agreements with unions to implement various family and disabled […]
This Conference notes that many Regional Disabled Members Committees hold pre-conference training sessions for delegates to the National Disabled Members’ Conference. However, not all delegates can attend these meetings and it is useful to be able to hold a regional meeting at the conference itself. It can be difficult to timetable such an event in […]
This Conference condemns the Coalition Government’s decision to abolish the School Support Staff Negotiating Body (SSSNB). This is happening at the same time as the government is encouraging all schools in England to move away from local authorities and the number of academies, trust and foundation schools is increasing and the Government’s encouragement of setting […]
This Conference condemns the Coalition government’s ongoing attacks on the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) and welcomes the Service Group Executive’s statement of its response to those attacks issued in November 2010. Conference condemns the: 1)3% increase in employee subscriptions by 2014/15 required in the 2010 Comprehensive Spending Review; 2)Switch from RPI to CPI for […]
Although UNISON has a National Agreement relating to casual and essential users and relevant mileage rates that accompany those categories of user, the outcome of Single Status negotiations together with the austere economic climate has led to more and more employers proposing to move away from the National Agreement towards the Approved Mileage Allowance Payment […]
Conference deplores current attacks on hard-won NJC pay and conditions across local authorities and Boards in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and a pay freeze for a second year, without the £250 compensation promised by the Chancellor in his 2010 Budget. Dorset County Council proposed that its entire staff should take 1 day each month […]
Conference deplores the swingeing spending cuts taking place across local government. With a female workforce of over 75%, cuts to local government jobs and terms and conditions have a detrimental effect on women in particular and may adversely impact on other protected groups. The disproportionate impact of cuts on women is well documented: 1)The changes […]
This Conference is appalled by the damage that has already been inflicted on local public services, to the communities that depend on them and to the loyal local government workforce that provides them by the social vandalism of the Conservative-led Government. Conference believes that there is no electoral mandate for the widespread destruction of council […]
Conference welcomes the growth of on-line communities and social networking and the potential opportunities they offer for on-line activity for young and other disabled people. Conference notes the significant number of entries by disabled people to the “TUC’s 60 second advert” competition 2011. Conference also notes the growth of ‘armchair army’ online campaign groups e.g. […]