Police staff in most forces in England and Wales – including those in witness support, data teams and cleaning roles – have been offered a 7% pay rise, says UNISON today (Thursday).
If accepted, the increase proposed by the police staff employers* would take effect from 1 September 2023.
It means the hourly rate for the lowest paid police staff would rise from £10.62 to £11.46 an hour. That’s an increase of £1,446 a year and would see the lowest annual salaries rise from £20,655 to £22,101.
In addition, the police staff employers are offering a 7% rise on payments to employees who are asked to be available for work outside their normal hours. This would see the hourly rates for ‘standby’ allowances rise from £32.23 to £34.49.
UNISON is recommending its members vote to accept the offer, which is the same percentage wage rise that the government announced for police officers last month.
The union’s police staff committee discussed the proposed pay rise and decided it’s the best that can be achieved by negotiation.
UNISON national police and justice officer Ben Priestley said: “This offer recognises the vital role police staff play in keeping communities safe and helping bring offenders to justice.
“It’s now up to police staff to decide if they want to accept the offer. If they don’t, the only alternative will be to ballot for possible industrial action.”
Notes to editors:
– *These are the National Police Chiefs’ Council, the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners and the Home Office. The Local Government Association acts as the secretariat for the employers’ side of the Police Staff Council (PSC). The 7% offer from the employers applies to all salary points.
– UNISON will be running a digital ballot, which opened yesterday (Wednesday) and closes at noon on 30 August.
– UNISON is the UK’s largest union with more than 1.3 million members providing public services – in education, local government, the NHS, police service and energy. They are employed in the public, voluntary and private sectors.
Media contact:
Liz Chinchen M: 07778 158175 E: press@unison.co.uk