Personal budgets could lead to personal hell, says UNISON

Direct payments leave little choice

Manchester police cuts – UNISON response

Cuts will hit communities hard

UNISON celebrates London living wage victory

Cleaners win campaign for living wage

Public sector pensions – UNISON comment

Higher contributions may force workers to opt out of scheme

British Gas price hike – UNISON response

Energy market needs an urgent overhaul says union

Cuts could turn NHS into ‘soft target’ for fraud says UNISON

Ultimately, this would hit patient care, says UNISON

Careers service announcement- UNISON response

Proposals will not stop Connexions cuts which will hit young people hard

UNISON NHS survey reveals front-line pressures

Government squeeze on NHS threatens to ‘turn back clock’ on patient care

Higher education funding- UNISON response

Government gamble with world class university system will hit students and country hard

Equal Pay Day 2010

New report sets out road map to shift stubborn gender pay gap

Drugs bill will soar following NICE decision says UNISON

NHS and patients will pay heavy price

UNISON secures withdrawal of threat to jobs at ScottishPower

Announcement will save hundreds of jobs

Charities facing ‘double whammy’ warns UNISON

UNISON chief addresses first Community conference

Say no to skeleton services

UNISON hallowe’en warning

UNISON to consult on industrial action over abolition of schools support staff pay body

Move is a bitter blow to low paid women in schools