Government must come clean on careers service

Union demands clear, funded plan

Southern and Scottish price rise- UNISON response

Government must take action to tackle fuel poverty

Government statement on pensions – UNISON response

Copy of Brendan Barber’s letter to Danny Alexander, sent on behalf of the unions

UNISON calls in troops for pensions’ fight-back

Twin track approach to pension talks

New Student Bursaries – a bitter pill

Health care students face severe financial pressure

Dangers lurking in ‘Any Qualified Provider’ warns UNISON

Plans pose a huge danger for patients and staff

Growing problem of ‘warehousing’ patients

Reporting to Care Quality Commission needs tightening up

Ark academies agree to pay £250 to lower paid

Other schools and academies should help low paid staff by paying up the £250

UNISON slams no pay offer for sixth form staff

Employers must rethink in face of rising costs

Jobseeker claimants rise – UNISON reaction

Job figures set to get worse

Protesters tell Southampton Council fight is far from over

1,000 workers march against pay and condition cuts

Severn Trent Water workers could strike over pension cuts

Members protest over new, high risk scheme

Our NHS in peril

Dave Prentis blogs for the Huffington Post

Shropshire Council could avoid pay cut

UNISON reveals alternative figures

UNISON slams higher education pay offer

Union recommends members refuse