For our public services, for our communities, for our union – last week’s election result was a devastating blow.
We now face a Conservative government with a large majority who have shown time and time again that they are a threat to the public services UNISON members provide.
I am proud of the campaign UNISON fought in this election, and the role that we played in ensuring that our issues were at the forefront of the election debate.
Fighting for public services and those who provide them will always be our union’s priority. Whoever you voted for, UNISON will stand up for our union’s values and the priorities of our members.
Those of us who are members of the Labour Party will need to reflect on how we ensure that the party continues to take our union’s priorities forwards. Our union needs a Labour government in power to deliver for public services.
Yet in UNISON we know that whoever is in power, our union makes us stronger. We have spent ten years being subjected to austerity at the hands of this government, and despite being told that would crush our union, we have continued to fight relentlessly on behalf of UNISON members, and we continue to win.
That’s why, for the second year in a row, UNISON is a growing union. Public service workers have faith in us to defend their rights and their jobs as they come under attack. And there’s never been a time when it’s more important for people to join UNISON.
So sign up your friends and colleagues at work. Tell them how we have stood up on their behalf – how you have stood up on their behalf – and how we will continue to do so, even in tough times. Because when our union grows and is united, we are by far the strongest force for public services in this country and around the world.
That strength is of course derived from you – our members – working in your communities. That’s especially true at this time of year. When most people are thinking about spending Christmas with their families and enjoying a much needed break, I know that so many of you will be working tirelessly to keep our stretched public services running.
You are the beating heart of our communities. You are what makes me proud of our union and drives me on to fight every day on your behalf. And in the difficult times to come, your union will always be on your side – and we will not let you down.