Tory health minister pockets £17m while workers take out payday loans: call that fair?

Payday loan sharks are still shamelessly charging massive interest rates. And it’s people who have the least who have to rely on them and have to pay the most. Many of our members are amongst the lowest paid in the country who struggle to put food on the table, keep a roof over their head and heat and light their homes.

After years of pay freezes, followed by below inflation offers, hundreds of thousands of public sector workers are facing the hardest time. Our higher education members are continuing their national dispute for dignity and decent pay.

Meanwhile, the Tory health secretary, Jeremy Hunt, while taking an axe to our NHS, can pocket an eye-watering £17 million pounds from the sale of a company he has a stake in. Contrast that with the army of low paid workers who have been turned down for a loan or overdraft in the past year. He and the rest of his rich Cabinet cronies have no idea what ordinary people are going through.

Recently, we set up a network of credit unions to help members who are drowning in debt, along with our charity There For You. There For You has seen a big rise in the number of people asking for help to pay for food, other bills, or to buy school clothes for their children. This is a national disgrace and should not be happening in the 6th richest nation in the world.

UNISON is backing the Charter to Stop the Pay Day Loan Rip-Off. Sign the petition to stop payday loans here.

The charter has been set up by Paul Blomfield MP and is supported by many charitable, religious and community organisations. The more signatures, the better.