When Labour published its manifesto for next week’s general election, UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis welcomed it, saying: “I commend this manifesto to UNISON members because it’s a manifesto that reflects the priorities of our union. It shows why Labour is the best party for public services.”
But why does Dave think voting for Labour next Thursday is the best course for UNISON members?
Here are 12 instances where Labour has listened to UNISON – and included what we want in the party’s manifesto.
These are big wins for all our members, for their families, their communities and for our public services.
1) Real public service pay rises – 5% rise for all public service workers in the first year and real rises after that.
2) Ending and reversing privatisation – local government services brought back in house; an end to the use of subcos, PFI, etc in the NHS; bringing the big energy companies back into the hands of the people, meaning decent terms and conditions and a critical role in greening our economy.
3) Proper funding for public services – including £26bn more for the NHS, a commitment to reverse the Conservative decade of austerity for local government, and more money for schools.
4) National care service – Labour will introduce a national care service, building on UNISON’s own Ethical Care Charter.
5) A real living wage for all – a rapid rise to a minimum wage of £10 an hour, and tackling low-pay so that everyone earns a wage they can live on.
6) Making pay equality a reality – Labour will also extend pay gap reporting to ensure that pay disparities faced by disabled and Black workers are tackled.
7) Scrap and replace Universal Credit – the five-week waiting period, the two child limit and the ‘rape clause’ will all be ditched.
8) Reunifying probation and rebuilding the whole police workforce – Labour will also recruit more police officers, police community support officers and police staff.
9) LGBT+ inclusive education – Funded, mandatory LGBT+ education, so schools can deliver vital inclusive education.
10) Bringing academies and free schools back under local control – and funding schools properly.
11) Internationalism based on justice and rights – Labour’s commitments reflect our demands for justice, rights and equality globally.
12) Real action on housing – the largest council house building programme in decades, more housing association homes, real action to end the housing crisis – and enhanced rights for private renters.