Its all different with diary ordering this year. We’ve got a new online shop This is the way to order your diaries for 2019 – please don’t use the old order forms.
You can then pay by payment card or direct debit (its just a single payment using your branch account details).
Old-school branches can still pay by cheque if they need to, but they still need to order using the shop and then send the cheque, with the order number attached.
Although we can take cheques, it costs the union more to process them, so please arrange your payment directly online if you can.
The 2019 diaries celebrate UNISON’s 25th birthday with a unique design and cost just £3 for an A5 desk diary; £1.70 for a compact or a slimline.
Some branches order enough to give out free diaries to members as a thank you for being a member, while others send diaries to all new joiners. It’s a great way to welcome members into the union and remind them of the value of union membership.
And with details of events, activities and how to get help or access services, a UNSION diary is a great member benefit.
We’ll start sending them out soon, so have a look around and order your branch diaries before they go!
We’ll be expanding the shop over time to become an online resource centre where you will be able to download pdfs of all your favourite campaign items or order print copies, as well as buy a range of UNISON-flavoured merchandise to promote the union in your workplace.