Stirling becomes latest council to sign up to Ethical Care Charter

Scottish council signs charter committing it to standards for care workers and those they care for

Graphic from the cover of the ethical care charter document

“Social care workers provide a lifeline service for vulnerable people,” UNISON branch secretary Lorraine Thomson said this week as she welcomed Stirling Council in Scotland signing up to the union’s Ethical Care Charter.

She said the move “shows commitment to a highly skilled workforce and those they care for.”

Adopting the charter means the council will guarantee appropriate pay, training and working standards for care workers. It says that his will lead to a better quality of care for the thousands of service users who rely on it.

Read UNISON’s Ethical Care Charter

The council’s commitments include implementing the living wage, agreeing clear procedures for following up care concerns and scheduling visits so that workers are not forced to rush their time with clients.

Staff who provide care at clients homes will be paid for travel time and travel costs, the council pledged at this week’s signing, while visits will be provided on the basis of the individuals assessed needs and visits times are scheduled accordingly.

And where an individual’s care needs change, the council promised, the appropriate adjustments will be made.

“The workforce deserves fair work, better pay and ethical employment practices,” added Ms Thomson for UNISON.

“This charter will help improve standards and retain highly valued staff in all homecare providers across Stirling.

“By signing up to the Ethical Care Charter, Stirling council has demonstrated a shared commitment to ensure improved quality of care for some of the most vulnerable people in Stirling.”

Find out more about the issues on UNISON’s Save Care Now campaign website