UNISON is backing the UN Anti-Racism Day demonstration in London on 21 March – the anniversary of the 1960 Sharpeville massacre in apartheid South Africa.
Following the success of last year’s event, another international day of action has been called coinciding with UN Anti Racism Day.
The London demonstration will be under the themes of: Stand up to racism and fascism and say no to scapegoating immigrants, no to Islamophobia, no to anti-Semitism, yes to diversity
Far right and fascist organisations are gaining support across Europe including in Britain by using arguments that wrongly blame immigrants for the fall in living standards, economic problems and austerity.
But the Mrch dmonstration will see many organisations have come together to reject racism, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism.
We will celebrate diversity and show that migrants are welcome and demonstrate our confidence in a future free of scapegoating, racism and hatred.
We will also remember South African freedom fighter Nelson Mandela and cherish the ideal of a free and democratic society in which all people experience equal opportunities.
The demonstration will take place in Trafalger Square, London, on 21 March, assembling at 12 noon.