This month, our pay dispute in England is moving up a gear. Now more than ever we need every member to play their part and get involved in the strike action and action short of strike action.
Members working in the NHS in England will strike for for 12 hours on Thursday, 29 January 2015 from 9am to 9pm (ambulance members will be on strike from noon to midnight), followed by action short of a strike from Friday 30 January to Tuesday 24 February and a 24-hour strike from midnight on Wednesday, 25 February.
To help you organise the most effective action we have produced a range of printed material to promote the strikes and industrial action short of strike activity in January and February.
We are also in the process of updating the NHS Pay resources section of the UNISON website.
This ncludes a new NHS Pay organiser’s toolkit bringing together a number of updated documents in one place to make it easier to find and use materials.
Branches and regions have been sent materials and additional copies can be ordered in the usual way using the online catalogue.
Other resources are available from our online catalogue under the NHS Pay 2014 and the Industrial Action sections.
Online catalogue [link]
These include:
- general leaflet advertising the industrial action
- ambulance industrial action leaflet
- general strike poster
- ambulance strike poster
- letter to members from general secretary Dave Prentis on why taking part in the action is so important
- letter to ambulance members from general secretary Dave Prentis on why taking part in the action is so so important
Actions for branches
Get members to sign up to the action and use the downloadable ‘new year’s resolution’ pledge cards.
Encourage members to contact their MP over pay – there is a new updated model letter for members to use.
eEncourage members to use the online pay calculator to find out how much the pay freeze is costing them
Distribute materials, leaflets and posters to workplaces.
Encourage members to update their details to include a current email address and mobile number so we can keep them updated about the campaign