UNISON General Secretary, Dave Prentis, reacting to the speech of the Leader of the Labour Party, Ed Miliband, said:
“We needed to hear from Ed what he would do as Prime Minister to tackle austerity and to change people’s lives for the better. We got that today. No-one can say that they don’t know what the next Labour Government will do in power.
“He answered the questions: what are you going to do to help the young and unemployed; what are you going to do about housing; what are you going to do about the economy; what are you going to do about our NHS; what are you going to do about low pay?
“There is clear water between a Labour Government with Ed Miliband as Prime Minister and this wretched coalition with its wrecking, self-centred, selfish policies. Obviously, we still need to deal with the issue of public sector pay and funding. Our members have borne the brunt of cuts in spending.
“Activists will have concrete policies to engage with people on the doorstep to help persuade them to vote for a better way of sharing out the wealth of this nation, a better society, a better Government.”