UNISON activists in Newcastle took the opportunity of the union’s annual multicultural music festival at the Easter weekend to challenge racism and myths about immigration.
Unify, which was held at Grey’s Monument in the city, was a positive event to highlight the union’s continued commitment to promoting community cohesion.
There was a great line up of local performers supporting the cause, and while crowds gathered to watch, activists distributed leaflets from Hope Not Hate, highlighting the true policies of UKIP – including the myths that is peddles about immigration.
With good weather, there was a celebratory atmosphere.
It offered a well-timed opprtunity to send out a message of pride of the diversity of our region and that hate has no place here, coming in advance of a UKIP rally held in Gateshead on St George’s Day.
Regional convenor Clare Williams said: “We don’t want to see a society where the far right are seen as a credible political alternative, and where racism is embedded in policies and party manifestos.
“We must strive to engage with the disaffected and disillusioned and highlight the hidden agendas and drastic inequalities of some parties.”
The Lake Poets, This Little Bird, Bethany Elen Coyle, Stig and community samba band Drumdin all took to the stage.
The region extended its thanks to the Fire Brigades Union for its support, together with the many UNISON branches and activists who helped ensure the day was a success.