It’s time for fair pay

“It’s time for fair pay” – that was the message from Scotland’s local government unions today as they lodged their annual pay claim on behalf of council workers in a bid to end the continued pay freeze.

UNISON, GMB and Unite unions are calling for a living wage of £7.20 an hour in all councils across the country as well as a £1,000 flat payment – £500 for this year and £500 for last year.

The claim covers all grades of local government workers in Scotland, including refuse collectors, teaching assistants, social workers, administrators, cleaners, parks and leisure staff and librarians.

The unions are calling for a meeting with employers to discuss the pay claim.

Explaining the claim, UNISON’s Dougie Black said: “The lowest paid have been hit the hardest: while the cost of living has risen sharply, their pay has stayed the same.

“Families are already struggling to make ends meet and if their pay is frozen for a second year and costs remain high, whole families will be pushed further into poverty.

“Council workers are already suffering from cuts to jobs and services and their terms and conditions are under attack at a local level.

“To make matters worse, the £250 promised by the government to soften the blow of a pay freeze for the lowest paid has been denied to local government workers.

“While other low-paid public service workers have had this flat rate increase, yet again council workers go without.

“This is an unparalleled assault on those who are working harder for less to maintain vital community services and it can’t be allowed to continue.”

UNISON in local government

UNISON Scotland

UNISON Scotland in local government