Councils need ‘coherent strategy’ on social care

Councils need a coherent strategy to ensure the sustainability of social care services, UNISON said today as it launched a social care manifesto for May’s local elections in Scotland.

UNISON Scotland deputy convener Stephen Smellie called on councils to focus on putting care before cost, adding: “Social care staff are expected to perform miracles by helping people to change their lives.

“But increasing levels of unemployment, homelessness and poverty place ever greater demands on services, and staff are constantly overstretched.

“We’ll be challenging all the candidates in the forthcoming elections on their commitment to social care, and asking them to support the principles in our manifesto,” he added.

“We want to know that they are committed to putting care before cost when it comes to delivering the services that people depend on.”

Scottish organiser Dave Watson said the manifesto is being launched at a time when “budgets are continually being cut and this has led to real fears about the sustainability of services.

“Councils need a coherent strategy for care services to reverse cuts in funding, boost staffing levels and cut service charges.

“Care services continue to be designed and imposed from above and this needs to change.

“People need to have a real say in how services are delivered in their communities and the only way to ensure that is to put users and staff at the heart of service design and delivery.”

Manifesto for social care [.pdf document]

UNISON Scotland

UNISON in local govelrnment

UNISON in social care