Maternity unit deaths – UNISON response

UNISON is warning that the number of deaths on maternity units will rise if

the Government pushes ahead with plans laid out in the Health and Social

Care Bill.

The caution comes after a leaked NHS report revealed the number of

maternity units in crisis. In London alone there were 42 maternal deaths in

units between January 2009 and June 2010 – double the number expected.

Findings from a Freedom of Information Act survey, carried out by BBC1

Panorama, show that maternity units across the UK were forced to close

temporarily to new admissions 1,055 times last year, due to under-staffing,

or lack of beds. This meant that 927 women were turned away from units.

UNISON head of health, Christina McAnea, said:

These findings reveal the real danger posed to mothers and their babies if the

Government pushes ahead with its plans for the NHS.

Maternity staff are struggling to cope with the number of existing mothers,

while posts lie vacant and the number of births continue to rise. This means

that desperate mothers are being turned away due to a lack of beds.

All expectant mums have a right to deliver their baby in their place of choice.

Frustrated midwives are unable to give mothers the choice and carry out the

service and follow-ups that mothers need because there are not enough staff.

The Government has gone back on their original plans to commission

maternity services nationally. Plans being pushed through in the Health and

Social Care Bill can only escalate these problems, as patients become little

more than consumers in a market-driven service, with profits being put first

and further service and job cuts.

We need urgent action from the Government to stop this crisis, before further

lives are put at risk.