UNISON chief calls on government to listen before its too late

UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis today called on the Government to listen to front line staff in public services and not just policy advisers before its too late.

He told a Fabian Society policy seminar:

“The Brent by-election is a wake up call to the Government. The Government is not pausing to evaluate where it is going. Is not stopping to measure success and failure in the many initiatives it has launched. Is not seeking the evidence.

“Even worse is the fog of spin. The Government often talks down its successes; conceals its efforrts at redistribution; downplays reduction in poverty and denigrates public sector workers and their efforts.

“So whilst the public service debate is dominated by talk of modernisation, talk of reform, a picture is painted of staff pursuing their self-interest. In need of a bit of private sector discipline. Unions are portrayed as producerist, having narrow interests, and as not caring about public service users. Is it any wonder the public is losing its patience? Who can blame them for being sceptical?

“The Government is perilously close to losing its way and jeopardising a third term. If it cannot deliver on schools and hospitals, as it promised at the last election, the electorate will lose trust. We have to re-evaluate where we are going, we have to look at what works and not allow the Lib Dems to steal our clothes.

“And the Government has to honour its commitment to end the two-tier workforce in our public services. Two years ago the Prime Minister gave UNISON a public commitment that the two-tier workforce would be ended.

“We have had a deal in local government in England, but we are still waiting for it to be rolled out to the rest of the public services – to workers in health, education and defence. They deserve the same protections so working conditions are not a lottery dependent on which public service you happen to work in”.
