UNISON recommends pay offer for higher education staff

UNISON, the UK’s largest education union, today agreed to

recommend to its members a pay offer for higher education staff

worth 7.7% over two years and 12.7% for the lowest paid.

Following extensive talks, UNISON and the employers have

negotiated a two-year deal linked to a new agreement on the

modernisation of pay structures.

UNISON represents 50,000 non-academic staff from cleaners and

porters to university registrars. The deal is worth 12.7% for the

lowest paid and guarantees harmonisation of manual workers

hours by August 2005.

Christina McAnea, UNISON’s National Secretary for Education and

head union negotiator in the pay talks, said:

“This deal, although it falls short of our claim, is worth £15 per

week to our lowest paid members. The deal also gives a £550 flat

rate which means those earning up to £15,700 will get more than

3.5% this year.

“This is a serious attempt by university employers to address low

pay in the sector. It at least starts to bring higher education staff

into the 21st century. “