End Nepotism in the NHS

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2022 Health Care Service Group Conference
11 November 2021

End Nepotism in the NHS

The NHS is meant to be an equal opportunity employer but time and again the best paid jobs go to people well connected or within influence of those in powerful positions. We see jobs going to favourable people who don’t seem to go through any formal interview process and jobs created without any formal job advert going to those connected to highly placed managers. We even see senior managers retire and are rehired on senior graded posts which seem to be created specifically for them. This practice isn’t in line with the Nolan principles of public office and isn’t transparent or in the taxpayer’s best interest. The job should go to the person best for the job not best placed for the job.

Conference calls on the HSGE to

• Highlight the jobs for the boys-girls culture within the NHS to employers

• Call out nepotism within the NHS

• Give branches the tools and confidence to challenge employers where suspected equal job opportunities have been bypassed by the employer

Conference support