Make sure you take the National Education and Training Survey

Healthcare students – take the National Education and Training Survey about your clinical placement.

The National Education and Training Survey (NETS) was launched last year and is the only national survey of all healthcare learners across all clinical learning environments. It is different from other surveys because it gathers feedback from learners right across the NHS and beyond. This year’s survey runs from 11th November to 6th December 2019.

We know from our own survey earlier this year that going on placement can be a stressful and challenging time.

We want to make sure all students have the best possible placements, receive reasonable adjustments for your circumstances, and know how to access support and help when you need it. It is important that all members on placement take this survey so that their experience is recorded

Take the survey

See the results of last year’s survey 

UNISON’s clinical placement scheme page

 Actions for branches

  • Encourage members to take the survey to ensure that an accurate picture of clinical placement experience is recorded