16 – 17 June 2019
ACC Liverpool
Download the Conference decisions below under resources.
Registration and Enquiries
If you want to attend the conference, please contact your branch who can register you as a delegate or visitor on the Online Conference System.
If you have any queries about the conference, contact our conference office (see details below).
Please help us to help the environment
We’re doing our best to reduce the environmental impact of our conferences. This year, we are providing all delegates with the chance to opt out of being sent paper copies of our conference materials as part of the delegates’ despatch. All these documents will be available online via the conference app, and on the UNISON website. You can then download them onto your laptop or tablet to view online while you are at conference. If you wish to opt out please indicate this on the ‘Extras’ screen options on the Online Conference System (OCS). If you do not opt out, you will be sent all documentation in hard copy form.
For further information, please see the ‘Opting Out’ document below.
Venue and Accommodation
ACC Liverpool, Kings Dock, Liverpool Waterfront, L3 4FP
Branches are encouraged to arrange accommodation through Liverpool’s accommodation booking service, Marketing Liverpool. Using the booking service supports the work of our members in local government and ensures our continuing ability, as a not-for-profit organisation, to secure preferential rates for our conference venues.
For full details of current availability and for bookings please go to:
You can also e-mail: conferences@marketingliverpool.co.uk or telephone 0151 600 2996
Travel arrangements
Branches are asked to book all travel arrangements for conference through Stewart Corporate Travel. Travel application forms are included in the conference bulletin (see below).
Wherever possible, please ensure train tickets are delivered to you directly as collecting them from stations incurs an extra charge.
Travel costs for Delegates and Sharer 1’s will be funded nationally; travel costs for Visitors and Sharer 2’s must be paid for by the branch.
Branches are responsible for funding their delegates and visitors attendance at conference. Subsistence should cover the cost of accommodation, meals, childcare, dependent care and facilitation.
Who should attend
Full details on who can attend, branch representation, proportionality and fair representation are available in the conference bulletin (see below).
Contact the Conference Office
UNISON Conference Office, UNISON Centre, 130 Euston Road, London NW1 2AY
Tel: 020 7121 5123
Conference Motions
Excluding future HE, FE and sixth form staff from LGPS (England)
Opposing the Cap on Exit Payments
Increasing access for young workers to training and professional development
Divest from Carbon Campaign – Save our future, save our planet
Councils at breaking point – highlighting the damage
LGBT – the + factor
Undermining of terms and conditions
Local government apprenticeships – same work, sub-par pay
Carried as Amended
Food Standards Agency – pay, terms and conditions
Education funding formula
Double jeopardy – the impact of local government cuts on women
Women, wellness and work
Carried as Amended
A breakthrough in tackling stress and bullying/harassment
Safeguarding LGPS Investments
Carried as Amended
Knife crime and cuts to youth services
Carried as Amended
Black members mentoring scheme in local government
Continuing to promote the Ethical Care Charter
Carried as Amended
Further education colleges should be the only provider of apprenticeships
Carried as Amended
A state of crisis in local government
Carried as Amended
Bring back the Education Maintenance Allowance
Income generation
Social care cuts
Housing out of reach for public service workers!
Carried as Amended
Negotiating disability leave policies with local government employers
Exemptions from hot-desking – a reasonable adjustment for disabled workers
Facility time
Cuts to pastoral support in schools
Local service champions
Libraries at breaking point
Zero hour contracts
Carried as Amended
Crisis in social care
The Youth Work Profession
Carried as Amended
Recruiting and organising fire and rescue staff
Regional Pay Bargaining