The world witnessed a murder and responded to injustice. It has been a long time coming in America with its history of police brutality, often culminating in the deaths of Black people in custody.
This just verdict sends a message across the world that Black Lives Matter, and that people from all walks of life – Black and White – can successfully rally together to make a positive change to ensure accountability. We believe this verdict is a victory for humanity.
We call for unity and solidarity across the UK. While progress is recognised, we must also scrutinise and challenge obstructions in the fight for equality. This cannot be a missed opportunity for the authors of the report by the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities (CRED) to redress the grief caused by the report and recognise the division it has caused throughout the UK.
To deny systemic and institutional racism will set our movement back generations in addressing the fundamental issues that have been a stain on our collective history and society for decades.
If the President of the USA can call out systemic, structural, and institutionalised racism, then we must demand the same from our Prime Minister. We must not allow the UK Government to hide behind a report that was condemned by United Nations’ human rights experts and damages the right for accountability and equality.
Kebba Manneh, Chair of the National Black Members’ Committee