Early years and nurseries

COVID-19 advice

UNISON has produced a range of guidance for staff in schools and early years.

Go to the advice page

UNISON is the largest union in early years and nurseries, representing over 50,000 members in support staff roles across the UK.

We represent staff working with young children in nurseries, schools and children’s centres.

Our members work in a variety of roles, including:

  • early years and nursery staff
  • nursery managers
  • early years professionals/teachers
  • family support workers
  • health visitors
  • midwives

We negotiate nationally, regionally and locally to improve pay, terms and conditions and job security for all early years workers.

UNISON campaigns to promote high quality services in the early years and improve the professional status and recognition of early years staff. We provide training and briefings on a range of topics including professional regulation, safeguarding and the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).

Work uniforms for nursery staff

Do you have to wear a uniform at work? Make sure you’re not missing out.

Read our guidance


Member learning

Did you know as a UNISON member you can access hundreds of free training courses?

Schools and early years members are invited to apply in advance to get a free Skills Academy licence, which will be launched in April.

These licences give you access to over 700 fully CPD and ROSPA certified courses and allow you to study – in your own time and at your own pace – a large range of topics aimed at those working in the education sector. Plus plenty of other options like mental health and wellbeing, feng shui, creative writing and feline communication (and everything in between!).

Check out all the courses you could take part in for free as a UNISON member:

Member learning

If you’d like to apply for one of these licences then please email L.Organising@unison.co.uk using ‘Skills Academy’ as the subject line.