UNISON reacts to new stats on violence against NHS staff

UNISON, the UK’s public sector trade union, react to another rise in the number of physical assaults against NHS staff. New statistics from “NHS Protect’ published today show a rise of 8.7% in the total of reported assaults from 63,199 in 2012/13 to 68,683 in 2013/14.
UNISON head of health, Christina McAnea said:
“It is absolutely shocking that every day more than 188 NHS workers are physically attacked. The fact this figure is rising year on year should ring alarm bells.
“The cuts and pressure on the service have caused growing patient frustration but no staff should be assaulted or feel unsafe at work. This is unfair on staff who do their best to care for patients and their families when they’re at their most vulnerable. There can be no excuse for abusing or assaulting staff and all incidents should be taken very seriously. Sadly, violence on NHS premises often go unreported and many workers are left to suffer in silence.
“The NHS must do its best to provide a safe working environment. Both employers and the police need to take these incidents seriously particularly in mental health premises where we expect full support and cooperation to guarantee the safety and security of staff.
