Search Results for “ttip” Motions, Pages

Coronavirus: learning for UNISON members and activists

UNISON Learning and Organising Services and education staff across the union are working hard so that we can continue to provide trade union learning and training in a safe and effective way. We’ve moved our courses online – but don’t worry if you’re not confident using a computer or the internet. You’ll find some really […]

Page on the UNISON College site.

Exclusive money-saving offers and deals

Spring into some great, time-limited offers with your UNISON membership

Page on the UNISON Member Benefits site.

Member Learning

Learning doesn’t need to stop when we leave formal education and if we want to move forward in a career then continuous learning is essential. Try our free workshops and explore the skills you have, how to make the most of them and how to develop new ones.  Check out our upcoming courses to see what’s […]

Page on the UNISON Yorkshire & Humberside site.

Climate change and higher education

2020 Higher Education Service Group Conference
26 September 2019

UNISON HE conference notes: 1)The Earth’s temperature has already risen by 1.1 degree above pre-industrial levels and that the amount of sheet ice lost annually from the Antarctic has increased six-fold between 1979-2017. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report last autumn warned that we only have 12 years to keep global warming to […]

Motion on the UNISON National site.

Combatting the far right on campus Motion 2020

2020 Higher Education Service Group Conference
23 September 2019

Conference Notes: 1)The far-right are attempting to take their message of racism, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism onto university and college campuses. 2)The far-right group ‘Generation Identity’ have appeared on over 20 campuses, holding stunts and meetings. 3)Turning Point UK, a group with links to the alt-right in the US, have attempted to set up student societies […]

Motion on the UNISON National site.

Up-front charging

The Conservative government introduced ‘up-front’ charges for those patients they say are not eligible for free healthcare from the NHS – including community healthcare services

Page on the UNISON National site.

Writing tools

Inclusive Technology Guide Google Docs Grammarly Xmind Google Docs Google Docs is a free word processing and document management system that is part of the Google Suite. It features many of the tools you might expect to find in Microsoft Word, with some great additions. As it is cloud based (with an offline working mode too) […]

Page on the UNISON College site.

Apps and Devices

Inclusive Technology Guide On this page you can find out how to make the most of the inbuilt accessibility features of Android, Microsoft and Apple software. Android iOS devices Mac Microsoft Office 365 Microsoft Windows Android Android Accessibility Suite is a collection of accessibility services and adjustments that allow you to customise your device to […]

Page on the UNISON College site.

Austerity and Public Safety

2019 National Delegate Conference
18 February 2019
Carried as Amended

Conference believes that a decade of Tory austerity has starved our communities of essential services, eroded the resilience of the public sector and removed vital safety nets. It has also made communities less safe and left vulnerable people without the help they need. Public services are a lifeline for the most disadvantaged communities and it […]

Motion on the UNISON National site.

Demand Driven Courses

As part of our Life Long Learning initiatives and in connection with the Workers’ Educational Association (WEA), UNISON South East is offering to members the following fully funded one day workshops. Power to be You: confidence building Would you like to feel more confident or assertive? This workshop will help you improve your self-esteem and […]

Page on the UNISON South East site.

Organising for LGBT Equality in the Community Sector

2018 Community Service Group Conference
10 November 2017
Carried as Amended

Conference notes that UNISON carried out its second equality survey in summer 2017 and received just 743 responses (6.79%) from members stating that they worked in the community sector which is disappointing considering we are the fastest growing sector with over 60,000 members. Of all respondents, 6% identified as lesbian, gay or bisexual and 0.4% […]

Motion on the UNISON National site.

Stop Porn Culture

2018 National Women's Conference
12 September 2017

The pornography industry has pushed its way into our lives, distorting our conceptions of sex and sexuality. Pornography offers people a vision of sexuality rooted in men’s domination of women and women’s acceptance of their own degradation. Pornography is not simply the sexist, naked Playboy photos from earlier times. Those pin-up-type centrefolds look tame when […]

Motion on the UNISON National site.

English, maths and IT

Are you interested in improving your English, maths or IT skills? Your employer has a responsibility to address your training needs in these areas. You can also contact your region for information about courses or providers in your area. UNISON has a national agreement with the WEA. GCSE maths and English courses are often free at […]

Page on the UNISON College site.

WEA one-day workshops

We offer a range of shorter workshops delivered by the WEA (Workers’ Educational Association). Want to find out whether any of these workshops is running near you? Or are you a learning rep who wants to run one of them in your workplace? Contact your regional education team. Personal development Power to be you The […]

Page on the UNISON College site.

46. Organ Donation

June 16, 2017

Conference notes medical science has pioneered relentlessly for many years, to extend and improve human life, Organ, and tissue donation is no exception. However what is the exception is the lack of publicity given to organ and tissue donation, there is literally thousands of people waiting for a donation, for: kidney, heart, liver, lungs, also […]

Motion on the Conferences site.