Search Results for “Fair wage” Media, Campaigns

GPF form – bids

12 page form to be completed with authorisation from regional committee for funding by GPF

Media on the UNISON National site.

NHS Pay Review Body Executive Summary

To be attached to the page – showing outcome of NHS PRB 1% pay offer

Media on the UNISON National site.

Stress at work: What can I do about it?A factsheet for UNISON members

A5 8 page guide to members suffering stress at work As well as offering advice the booklet details the help and support the member can expect from the branch and union

Media on the UNISON National site.

Charter for older people

UNISON believes that retired and working members have a shared interest in the provision of decent incomes in old age, a universal health service, quality public services and a fairer society for all Only available as a pdf for downloading

Media on the UNISON National site.

Recruitment monitoring form pdf (England, Scotland and Wales only)

This form is for candidates for positions in England, Scotland and Wales

Media on the UNISON National site.

The Damage – cuts in environmental health services survey summary

A4 8 page booklet part of the Damage series in local government looking at the impact of the cuts in environmental health includes survey findings

Media on the UNISON National site.

Travel time and the national minimum wage – local government guide

Bargaining Support Guide

Media on the UNISON National site.

2013 Wales Womens SOG flyer

Media on the UNISON National site.

GPF form – bids

12 page form to be completed with authorisation from regional committee for funding by GPF

Media on the UNISON National site.

LG Part time workers Survey

local government news page

Media on the UNISON National site.

Welfare Reform 2013 briefing

A guide to the new benefits cap, the government’s plans to cap the total amount of benefit that working age people can receive. Available only as a pdf for downloading

Media on the UNISON National site.

Welfare Reform 2013 briefing

A guide to the new means tested benefit for people of working age. Available only as a pdf for downloading

Media on the UNISON National site.

The cuts aren’t working

Even though the cuts have only just begun, its already clear that austerity isn’t working. Despite warnings from many, including UNISON, the government embarked upon massive public spending cuts aimed at eliminating the budget deficit over the course of five years. Cameron, Clegg and Osborne argued that austerity would rebalance the economy and lead to new jobs in the private sector. However, the recovery has failed to materialise. The UK has entered into a double dip recession for the first time since the 1970s

Media on the UNISON National site.

Organising Fair 2013

This event is to be accessible to all and published alonngside the organsing fair flyer

Media on the UNISON National site.

South Wales A and E plans: a UNISON response

UNISON response to the proposed changes in health care delivery in the area of the South Wales Health Board. The UNISON response is part an ongoing dialogue about the future of services in South Wales. We reach no firm conclusion at this stage

Media on the UNISON National site.