Defending Our National Agreement

Our union has invested significant resources in the development, implementation and improvement of the Agenda for Change agreement. In addition to the massive change management programme required to move to the Agenda for Change agreement from 2004, the union has recognised that Agenda for Change is a national agreement that can adapt to remain sustainable […]

Unfreezing NHS pay

Our members in the NHS are about to enter the second year of a pay freeze imposed as a result of the Comprehensive Spending Review presented by the Chancellor in October 2010. This means that for the second year running, the NHS Pay Review Body was given a restricted remit by the Secretary of State […]

Personalisation should not mean privitisation

Conference notes that the Tory-led government intends to roll out personal health budgets in England without a robust pilot programme having taken place or assessed. Initial assessment of the limited data already available suggests that difficulties are occurring. Conference believes that it is extremely foolish to introduce a system into the NHS without proper testing […]

Shared services integration

Conference notes the damaging effects to patients and NHS staff through the privatisation of NHS shared services in England. Since 2005, shared services such as finance, accountancy, human resources, payroll and family health services have been contracted out to NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS). NHS SBS is a joint venture between the NHS and […]