Moving on Up Report: Bangladeshi, Pakistani and Caribbean Women and Work

Conference noted the Moving On Up report published by the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) in March 2007 which found that Caribbean, Pakistani and Bangladeshi girls obtain better GCSE grades, including Maths and English than white British boys. Yet Caribbean, Bangladeshi and Pakistani women graduates seeking work are five times more likely to be unemployed than […]

Tackling Racism in Schools

Conference notes that education at all ages is essential to empower ourselves and challenge racism in society. In most cases school is the first introduction to formal education. The government has revealed that the number of pupils excluded on the grounds of racist bullying rose by 29% between 2004 and 2005. There are concerns that […]

Stop Scapegoating Muslims

Conference notes that in a context of rising racism against all Black communities Muslims have been particularly singled out and targeted. The largest project monitoring Islamophibia undertaken following the events of September 11 by the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC) in 2002 published the “Summary report on Islamophibia in the EU”. The […]

Black Representation Throughout UNISON

Conference notes that in 2007 the National Black Members’ Committee (NBMC)have supported the UNISON Health Service Group to develop a toolkit for Black workers to become activists. This resource highlights a series of steps to address Black under-representation, including guidance on how to become a steward, how to set up a Black members’ group, how […]

Solidarity with Venezuela

Conference notes that President Hugo Chavez’s government in Venezuela has introduced a number of inspiring social reforms since his first election in 1998. Previously, despite Venezuela’s oil wealth, 80% of the population, mostly people of African, indigenous Indian and mixed-race origin, lived below the poverty line without access to basic services. Now, for the first […]

Opposing Racist Attacks and Violence

Conference notes that rising racism creates an increasingly dangerous climate for all Black, Jewish and other minority communities. Despite the most common form of racist crime being harassment and verbal abuse, some Black people tragically are victim to violent attack. Between 2002-2005 government figures show 23 racially motivated murders in Britain. And yet, many racist […]


Conference recognises 1.The first English Slavery expedition was carried out by Sir John Hawkins in 1562 and the transatlantic slave trade lasted for over 200 years. 2.This year marks 201 years since the Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade; the Bill first proposed by Tory reformer William Wilberforce received Royal Assent on 25 […]

Honour Killings

Conference welcomes 8th March as International Women’s Day and the advances women have made however, there is still a long way to go. Conferences understand that violence against women, in addition to physical and sexual violence, can include trafficking, honour killings and female genital mutilation. Conference further recognises that domestic violence is the most common […]