Campaigning against the privatisation of operational services

Conference recognises the NHS is facing threats more serious than ever before. Services and jobs are threatened, with some employers using the economy as an excuse to privatise services and attack staff pay, terms and conditions. Conference acknowledges that members working in operational services – administration, clerical, ancillary and maintenance jobs – are at a […]

Retirement Age for Healthcare workers

Health Conference is well aware and very concerned that thanks to the Tory led government the retirement age for all NHS workers will be increased to 67 years old. The detrimental impact on the health of all members forced to work until their last day at work will be significant, but in particularly there will […]

NHS Pay Campaign

Conference congratulates health branches and the health service group executive on the industrial action taken to date as part of the NHS pay dispute. Conference notes that NHS workers continue to see the value of their pay being cut year on year as a result of the pay policies of governments across the UK and […]

People Before Profits

UNISON members note in October the words of Andy Burnham “People before profits… no one gave the prime minister permission to put the NHS up for sale”. Conference welcomes his comments and those later in November that he wishes to return to an integrated health service which includes social care as part of the NHS. […]

Health and Wellbeing

Conference welcomes incentives to improve the health and wellbeing of staff, conference is concerned that initiatives proposed by the four NHS systems are aimed at changing the behaviour of the worker rather than removing or reducing hazards in the workplace that can result in poor health. For example, in the ‘Five Year Forward View’ report, […]

The NHS funding crisis and acute bed shortage

Conference notes that since the election of the Con/Dem government there has been continuous and sustained underfunding of the NHS. Furthermore, conference notes that there is increased pressure on the NHS from the ever increasing numbers that are accessing the service. As a result of increased attendance at emergency departments and as a result of […]

Mental Health Services

Conference notes that mental health services are arguably in crisis. They have never necessarily achieved commensurate funding with general health care services, and the austerity policies of this government have hit mental health services disproportionately. There are extant problems with capacity, leading to large numbers of patients being transferred out of area. Whole swathes of […]

Health Education England

Conference condemns the restructuring of Health Education England (HEE) announced in 2014, just over one after its establishment and linked to a £17million (20%) reduction in running costs. Conference opposes the 20% reduction in running costs which through its implementation means less jobs, a reduction of bandings for some posts and is unnecessary as £17 […]

The Impact of 12 Hour Shifts

Conference notes the increase in recent years in the demand for nursing staff to work 12 hours, and other long shift patterns. While recognising that they are popular with some members we are aware that in some clinical areas there are significant concerns. The risk of fatigue leading to drug errors and their long term […]

Agile Working Should Not Damage Our Health

Conference notes that many health employers are encouraging and at times pressing members in community and many support services roles to work in agile, remote or home based ways, making greater use of IT and reducing both the number of times staff need to visit their base and the size and number of bases themselves. […]

Future Pay Claims/Evidence to Pay Review Bodies

Conference welcomes the decision of the 2014 Trades Union Congress to support the claim for a rise in the national minimum wage to £10 per hour. We believe that £10 an hour is a necessity for the millions of working people who have suffered years of wage restraint and inflation outstripping pay rises. Conference calls […]

Parity for NHS Mental Health Services

Conference notes that although mental health is a significant part of the NHS, at least 20% of all activity, it is very under resourced. As a result staff working in mental health services are experiencing significant workplace stress as they struggle to provide high quality services to the detriment of staff health and wellbeing leading […]

Living wage in the NHS

Conference notes, at the time of writing, the failure of the Secretary of State, Jeremy Hunt to meet and negotiate with NHS trade unions in England on their pay demands as set out in the Staff side letter of 25th June 2014. Conference applauds the efforts of all sections of the health group in delivering […]

Achieving a work life balance

Conference notes with concern that the goodwill of staff is being abused by managers to cover shortfalls in staffing. In particular there are concerns that staff are: 1) unable to take the necessary breaks in working hours; 2) not being paid for overtime worked; 3) being forced onto 12 hour shift patterns when they would […]

Use of Agency Staff

Conference notes with concern the increasing use of agency staff within the NHS to plug the gaps caused by sickness, unfilled vacancies and general staff shortages. In Wales alone, the cost of locum and agency staff in the last year was £14 million which accounts for 1.9% of the total NHS Wales budget. This is […]