Period necessity, not a Luxury

Conference notes that a motion on ‘period poverty’ was passed at the 2018 national women’s conference. Conference is pleased that since then, Scotland and Wales have committed themselves to providing free sanitary products to schools. This is a very positive move and example. However, conference feels this does not go far enough, we believe that […]

Menopause and the workplace

Around 3.5 million women aged 50years and over are currently in employment in the UK. The employment rate for women in the UK has actually increased in the past few decades and women now represent nearly half of the UK labour force. This means that many more women are affected by symptoms of the menopause […]

Women and debt

Conference notes that in terms of issues surrounding gender equality, debt is rarely cited as a contributing factor in women’s overall financial status. However, the reality is that, in the UK, research proves that debt impacts women more than men. Of the 8.8 million people struggling with debt in the UK, 64% are women (Money […]

Young Women and Student Loan Repayments

Going to University, gaining an education should be a positive experience for our young members. However, student loans are the burden that our young educated women members carry through a significant period of their working life. In fact the only way to escape complete repayment of any student loan is if a young woman never […]

Sex Discrimination Law

When it comes to sex discrimination law, the UK’s national story has undoubtedly been one of considerable progress over many years, but it is also true that in some areas that progress has been too slow or has stalled altogether. Our discrimination laws have been instrumental in changing attitudes and in improving life for many […]

Bargaining for Carers

This conference applauds the recent publication by UNISON of the BARGAINING ON CARERS POLICIES: How branches can benefit from bargaining on carers rights at work The Carers Trust defines a carer as “anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot […]