Public Services

Conference notes with concern the increasing number of service reforms facing public services the unrelenting attack on the public services being waged by the coalition government and the far reaching consequences that budget cuts, job losses and privatisation have on the fabric of our communities and the prospects for economic recovery. As recent Office of […]


Conference recognises that never has UNISON faced such an unprecedented fight for quality public services and members’ jobs. The public sector is being penalised for an economic crisis that is not of our making. The Coalition government’s policies are hitting public services hard across the board with threaten essential services. Not only are jobs at […]

COMP A – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Parenting Rights And Equalirty For Adoptive Parents

Conference notes the advances in lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality over recent years that have given LGBT people more options and choice of becoming a parent, whether it be as a single LGBT person or as a same sex couple. However there are still many LGBT people who are already parents or who […]


Conference believes our members deserve major congratulations for their magnificent efforts on 30 November. Conference further congratulates the union on its focus and organisation throughout the process of pension’s negotiations and the historic industrial action ballot of over one million members, successfully conducted without legal challenge. Conference notes that our union’s conduct throughout, including on […]


Conference acknowledges the unprecedented levels of recruitment to the union over the last year. This growth is primarily because UNISON was prepared to get involved in organising industrial action to defend pensions in coordinated action with other public sector unions. Conference recognises that where we give strong and positive leadership, it inspires workers to become […]


Conference reaffirms its complete opposition to the government’s Health and Social Care Bill and other plans associated with the Liberating the NHS white paper. Conference believes that these represent the biggest threat to the integrity and values of the English NHS in its history. Conference asserts that the government’s moves towards a wholesale healthcare market […]

Trade Union Equality and Employment Rights

Conference is alarmed that employment rights are now firmly in the Coalition government’s sights for cutting as part of an alleged growth strategy for the Chancellor. This is rejected by Conference as making workers feel more insecure is both unfair, unequal and in fact decreases confidence in the economy. Conference deplores the increasing use by […]


Conference notes: 1) that the ConDem government is proposing cuts to housing benefits that will result in financial hardship and even evictions for hundreds of thousands of private and public sector tenants. This is not only the unemployed but families in work on low wages and pensioners; 2) new limits will restrict the maximum amount […]

Income Inequality

Conference notes 1) that the National Equality Panel report in 2010 noted that the gap between rich and poor in this country is the greatest it has been since the Second World War that the report of the High Pay Commission in 2011 predicts that if current trends continue, then by the year 2030 Britain […]


Today only twenty two per cent of MPs in the House of Commons and twenty per cent of members of the House of Lords are women. Compare this with Cuba where women hold thirty five per cent of parliamentary seats in the Cuban National Assembly. Therefore Cuba ranks sixth out of one hundred and sixty […]


Conference on 2 September 2011 Eric Pickles, the Secretary for Communities and Local Government new guidance called ‘A fair deal for the community and voluntary sector’. The guidance states councils should not carry out equality questionnaires and use the money saved to fund the community and voluntary sector. They claim that the questions asked about […]


For many years women have been the main carers within the home for their children, disabled and elderly parents. Women have fought for the right to be recognised and to be treated as equal to men. Many workplaces now have policies in place to enable employees to take time off work to care for their […]


Conference acknowledges that UNISON publishes some valuable information and guidance material for branches, activists and members on a regular basis and on varying workplace issues and/or recruitment based materials. Yet conference believes that there is not enough UNISON material tailored specifically for women and that the design and format of existing publications for women sometimes […]


Last year’s conference motion on Ovarian Cancer would have been a wake up call to women members unware of the necessity of early detection of ovarian cancer for there to be any reasonable chance of effective treatment. To be told one has cancer is terrifying enough, but for those whose cancers have no immediate symptoms […]


Conference will be aware that for some time we have been seeing in the public sector the increase in zero hours or permanent variable hours contracts, the majority of those being placed on such contracts are women. Sunderland Local Authority, in the Northern Region has been using variable contracts as a means of avoiding compulsory […]