Migrant Health Workers

2 Tier Workforce

PFI – Retention of Employment Model

Improving Working Lives

Improving the Quality of Support Given to Members

Organising and Safe Practice

Foundation Hospitals (England Only)

Cost of Living Supplements

Regular Feedback To Branches on Decisions Taken at Health Conference

Sovereignty of Conference Decisons

Funding for Social Services

This Conference wishes to applaud the efforts of all those who work in social care providing crucial services to the most vulnerable members of our communities. We believe that it is only the dedication of these workers which has kept services running while government and employers have failed to provide the leadership and the funding […]

Housing Stock Transfer

Conference condemns the Government’s ‘Communities Plan’ released on 6 February 2003. This is effectively a plan to remove English local authority housing from local democratic control and transfer staff to a plethora of other employers. Conference notes that local authorities will only be able to choose three investment options: stock transfer; the Private Finance Initiative […]

English Regional Government

Conference notes publication in May 2002 by the Government of ‘Your Region – Your Choice – Revitalising the English Regions’. Conference re-affirms its general commitment to regional government and the potential offered by it to: 1)‘Draw down’ powers from central government and enhance local democracy 2)Democratise the ‘quango state’ and Government Offices in the regions […]

Improving Local Services

Conference endorses UNISON’s support for world class public services and commits itself to working with councils to achieve that aim. However, Conference believes that the Government’s approach centres on a ‘big stick’ approach to performance management, rather than serious investment in staff and services, which hinders, rather than helps councils and staff to improve. While […]

Local Government Service Group Executive Report

This Conference receives the report of the Local Government Service Group Executive.