Rule D Young Members’ Seat

D 2.5.1 Delete “will be aged 26 or under” and replace with “will be aged 30 or under” Rule Q Delete “YOUNG MEMBER means a member aged 26 or under.” and replace with “YOUNG MEMBER means a member aged 30 or under.”

Defending and Improving Women’s Rights Internationally

Conference notes the words of United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, “Achieving gender equality and empowering women and girls is the unfinished business of our time, and the greatest human rights challenge in our world.” Conference believes that identifying, celebrating and increasing visibility of women’s achievements worldwide can help forge equality and combat gender bias, and […]

Increasing Participation of Lower Paid Women in Our Union

Conference notes proudly that UNISON is a union with over a million women members and that we reach every corner of the UK and every corner of the public sector. Conference also notes that our collective labour as women contributes billions of pounds to the economy, and our human contribution keeps our society running, exceeding […]

2023 Year of the Black Worker

Celebrate 2023 as the UNISON Year of Black Workers. Conference notes that we are half way through the UNISON Year of Black Workers. Over the past two years we have seen the disproportionate impact of Black workers and communities being hit particularly hard during the pandemic. Working on the front line, exposed to Covid-19, and […]

We Need to Talk About Palestine

Conference welcomes the comprehensive Amnesty International report, Israel’s Apartheid against Palestinians: Cruel System of Domination and Crime against Humanity, which sets out how massive seizures of Palestinian land and property, unlawful killings, forcible transfer, drastic movement restrictions, and the denial of nationality and citizenship to Palestinians are all components of a system which amounts to […]

The Northern Ireland Peace Process 25 Years On

Conference recognises that 2023 marks the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement. Conference recalls the repeated support our union has shown for the Agreement and the peace process in Northern Ireland. Conference notes however that at the time of writing, Northern Ireland does not have a devolved government in place. Conference further notes that […]

Ethnicity Pay Gap

Conference believes that the ethnicity pay gap (EPG) is a major cause of in-work poverty experienced by Black workers and the cause of severe intergenerational inequality in Black communities. Conference welcomes the moves made by the National Black Members Committee (NBMC) to highlight and campaign to close the gap. The EPG is as high as […]

Securing the Legacy of the Year of Disabled Workers

Conference notes the success of UNISON’s Year of Disabled Workers 2022 and places on record our thanks to all of our disabled members and activists who have driven this success throughout our union. Through the year, we saw renewed focus on the experience of disabled members in our union, in the workplace and in society. […]

Cost of Living Crisis and Black Workers

Conference notes that everything is going up fast – 12 percent now but forecasts of upwards to 22 percent. However, the pay of many UNISON members has been effectively frozen for almost 12 years. We can’t make ends meet! We have a cost of living crisis because of the decisions made by political leaders and […]

Equality is UNISON Business

Conference notes that one of UNISON’s main aims is, as per UNISON’s rule book, “to seek to ensure equality of treatment and fair representation for all members and to work for the elimination of discrimination on grounds of race, gender, sexuality, gender identity, disability, age or creed”. To achieve this, UNISON seeks for branches to […]

Resisting the Tories Sustained Assault on Democracy and Our Fundamental Rights

Conference notes that this UK government has launched a sustained volley of attacks on our basic freedoms at break-neck speed and in such volume that even very basic levels of appropriate scrutiny and challenge is almost impossible. They have defied legal norms of parliamentary process and sunk to new levels to force through their proposals. […]

Tackling Health Inequalities and Closing the Life Expectancy Gap

Conference notes that health inequalities in the UK, that were already unacceptably large, have intensified in recent years. Conference notes that one of the most measurable demonstration of such inequalities is the “social gradient in health” which outlines differences in life expectancy for different groups of people. For example, women living in the least-deprived 10 […]

Integrated Care Systems

Conference notes that the government’s new Health and Social Care Act introduced Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) into 42 areas of England, which became fully operational in July 2022. Under the act, former Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) have been absorbed into the ICSs – specifically into their boards (ICBs). Each ICB will take on the commissioning […]

A Health and Safety Response to a National Crisis of Stress and Its Effects on Public Service Workers

Conference affirms that employers have a legal duty to protect both the health, and the safety of their employees in relation to the activities of the employer. Conference notes that work related stress is defined as ‘the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressures or other types of demand placed on them’. Stress is a […]

Private Renters Deserve The Right To A Secure, Decent and Affordable Home

Conference notes that more and more of our members are forced to live in the Private Rented Sector due to the unaffordability of home-ownership and inaccessibility and lack of affordable social housing. This is due to failed housing policies, austerity and government cuts. This problem is exacerbated by the increasing number of properties that are […]