Mental health and employment

Conference, employers are failing in their duty of care towards staff with mental health issues. Black Staff with mental health issues are not malingers, faking it or simply seeking attention. They have a genuine illness which can be difficult to identify, treat and manage and managers and staff should show greater tolerance and patience toward […]

Race Equality Act – How far have we come since 1968?

On 8 December 1965 the first Race Relations Act came into force in Britain. Prior to this, it was legal to discriminate against people because of the colour of their skin, and this act was the first in many equality legislation to promote non-discrimination and equality, the Act was amended in 1968. This year is […]

Practical steps to involve young Black members

This Conference welcomes the recent initiative by the Greater London Region Black members which saw a group of young Black members attending an informational and educational seminar. This Conference believes this is an excellent example of the kind of work that Black members can undertake to ensure that lessons and life-experiences on organising to challenge […]

Access to Immigration Advice and Representation

For Black members who are not fully settled in the UK or do not have British Citizenship, immigration is a major issue. Immigration rules come and go and change overnight (as our European migrant worker colleagues are finding out!). A change in a shortage occupation list; a new salary threshold; a new English test requirement […]

Stop and search of Black people

Conference notes that the subject of stop and search has been debated on many occasions, but nothing has changed. People of African heritage are six times more likely to be stopped and searched by the police in England and Wales under Section 1 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 and 29 times as […]

Recruiting and organising Black members in the fragmented workforce

It is important that Black workers and members are equipped for the challenges within the changing and evolving landscape of the UK today. Conference recognises that a high proportion of Black workers eligible to join UNISON work in the “fragmented workforce” where they experience low pay and poor working conditions. Conference believes that recruitment is […]

Immigration and the effects of the EU Referendum and the Brexit Vote

The EU Referendum on 23 June and the decision of the United Kingdom (UK) to leave the European Union sent shock waves through communities with the immigration debate becoming ever more toxic. The campaign itself resulted in unacceptable language and propaganda being used about immigration generating fear, division and a ‘them and us’ rhetoric. Since […]

Mental Health Issues Affecting Young Black People

This National Black Members’ Conference notes that Black people are far more likely to be diagnosed with a serious mental illness and in Britain are 17 times more likely than white counterparts to be diagnosed with a psychotic illness. There is a problem of inequality when it comes to mental health. With ongoing austerity, poverty, […]

Discrimination in the NHS

The NHS employs 1.4 million people, many of these staff are Black, they work as brain surgeons, researchers, nurses, CQC inspectors, care workers to name a few. The NHS that relies on Black staff to function also discriminates against Black people in terms of opportunity, recruitment, promotion, bullying, victimisation (particularly if they whistle blow) and […]

Improving our work to reach Black young members

This Conference notes that, at time of writing, there are around 3,700 Black young members in UNISON membership who have chosen to identify their ethnic origin on the RMS i.e. have identified themselves as either Asian other, Bangladeshi, Black UK, Black African, Black Caribbean, Black other, Chinese, Indian, or Pakistani. This represents approximately 6% of […]

Black Mental Health

Composite B BLACK MENTAL HEALTH. Conference, the theme of mental health crops up a lot at these conferences and with good reason. The Mental Health Foundation which is the leading mental health research organisation in the UK states that black people from the UK are: More likely to be diagnosed with mental health problems More […]

Black, disabled and discriminated

Conference notes with growing concern the UNISON research and statistics which chart the experience of Black members under the austerity agenda. We know that Black people are more likely to be selected for redundancy, and to face workplace disciplinary procedures. These situations are compounded where the member also has a disability where the combination of […]

Recruiting and Organising Black Members

Recruiting and organising is a key priority for the union nationally, and conference welcomes the recruitment initiatives that the union has organised. It is vital that we continue to grow our union and it is important that all our activities take into account the very diverse workforce that provides public services. In addition, the union […]

Urgent Review of the Joint Enterprise Legislation

Conference acknowledges the hard work that the National Black Members Committee (NBMC) has undertaken on the Joint Enterprise Legislation in conjunction with organisations such as Joint Enterprise Not Guilty by Association (JENGBA). The frequent usage of this piece of legislation remains controversial especially when the House of Commons Justice Select Committee called for urgent review […]

After the General Election

Conference notes that the Conservative Party’s success at the General and local elections on May 7th created further threats to public services, trade union rights and Black members’ jobs and standard of living. Conference remembers that the previous Conservative led government pursued a range of policies that have savaged public services and attacked workers’ rights […]