Black Women in Leadership

Conference notes statistics show there is a clear lack of Black women in leadership positions. Black women are still under-represented in senior roles in the workplace. This is often because many Black women though they have the qualifications, experience and practicalities for the job role, they are often overlooked for their white counterparts. This may […]

Jamaica – Mining in the Cockpit Country

Conference we should all now be aware of how our environments are changing. Therefore, the impact Mining in the Cockpit Country Jamaica should be of great concern to all and not just Jamaican people or those who have relatives there. The mining of land in this area can be likened to the Amazon Rainforest. The […]

Challenging racism and disability discrimination in the workplace: An intersectional approach

Conference notes that Black workers face numerous barriers in the workplace due to racism and that UNISON works hard to combat this through programmes such as Challenging Racism in the Workplace. However many disabled Black workers face multiple discrimination in the workplace. In particular, Black workers can find it difficult to access reasonable adjustments at […]

Jamaica – Mining in the Cockpit Country

Conference we should all now be aware of how our environments are changing. Therefore, the impact Mining in the Cockpit Country Jamaica should be of great concern to all and not just Jamaican people or those who have relatives there. The mining of land in this area can be likened to the Amazon Rainforest. The […]

Jamaica – Mining in the Cockpit Country

Conference we should all now be aware of how our environments are changing. Therefore, the impact Mining in the Cockpit Country Jamaica should be of great concern to all and not just Jamaican people or those who have relatives there. The mining of land in this area can be likened to the Amazon Rainforest. The […]

Challenging racism and disability discrimination in the workplace: An intersectional approach

Conference notes that Black workers face numerous barriers in the workplace due to racism and that UNISON works hard to combat this through programmes such as Challenging Racism in the Workplace. However many disabled Black workers face multiple discrimination in the workplace. In particular, Black workers can find it difficult to access reasonable adjustments at […]

Access to Immigration Advice and Representation to Recruit and Organise New Members

Once again this year, one of the most useful tools to attract migrant workers has been our immigration advice clinics. On top of the JCWI helpline, accessible through UNISON direct, we have a monthly face to face clinic with a solicitor in Northern Ireland. This continues to be a fantastic resource that has allowed us […]

Access to Immigration Advice and Representation to Recruit and Organise New Members

Once again this year, one of the most useful tools to attract migrant workers has been our immigration advice clinics. On top of the JCWI helpline, accessible through UNISON direct, we have a monthly face to face clinic with a solicitor in Northern Ireland. This continues to be a fantastic resource that has allowed us […]

Access to Immigration Advice and Representation to Recruit and Organise New Members

Once again this year, one of the most useful tools to attract migrant workers has been our immigration advice clinics. On top of the JCWI helpline, accessible through UNISON direct, we have a monthly face to face clinic with a solicitor in Northern Ireland. This continues to be a fantastic resource that has allowed us […]

Local government apprenticeships – same work, sub-par pay

Conference notes that apprenticeships are increasingly the way that young people in the UK enter local government as a profession, providing a structured way to recruit those fresh into the workforce by combining part-time education with the work they’ll be doing once the apprenticeship is completed. Conference further notes however that, while some local authorities […]

Women, wellness and work

Conference notes with concern that despite previous motions and campaigns highlighting gender specific health issues faced by women in the workplace there is still very little recognition nor help and advice in the workplace for employees or employers. Whilst these health issues may not in themselves impact on productivity, lack of support and unsympathetic workplace […]

Safeguarding LGPS Investments

This local government conference notes that LGPS pension funds are invested to secure the best returns and to safeguard the pensions of public sector employees and pension fund members. We further note that these funds are in the majority invested in funds which add little value to local areas and local economies. This conference therefore […]

Knife crime and cuts to youth services

Conference notes the alarming spike in knife crime in 2018. Knife crime in London has risen by 16 percent in the past two years and over 50 people were killed by stabbings and shootings in the first 3 months of the year. Conference notes that the furore over the ‘knife crime epidemic’ served to demonise […]

Continuing to promote the Ethical Care Charter

Conference notes the charter sets minimum standards to protect the dignity and quality of life for care clients and the workers who care for them. Conference notes that over 40 councils across the UK have signed the charter. Conference believes the charter is a positive development for UNISON members, and is a useful tool for […]

A state of crisis in local government

UNISON Wales has been highlighting the damage being done to our communities through our Fair Funding campaign and Wales audit of austerity work which has highlighted that councils have lost over 28,000 jobs since 2010. The budget given to local authorities is an investment in local services, in prevention and early intervention work which ensures […]