Minimum Service Levels

Conference notes the continuing failure of the government to invest and maintain a wide variety of public services in the UK, with almost every institution showing signs of underinvestment in systems, infrastructure, and staffing. Most of the public services delivered by UNISON members are showing sign of this strain despite often heroic efforts to maintain […]

The Truth about Finances in the HE Sector

Every year, UCEA representing the employers in the HE sector pay negotiations, state that while some universities are wealthy, there are universities that would struggle, indeed may be forced into considering redundancies, the closure of departments and so on, should a significant pay settlement be forced upon them. For this reason, staff salaries have been […]

Fair Pay for Higher Education Staff in 2024-25

Higher Education pay has fallen behind. Since 2009 our pay has lost around 28% of its value as a result of successive below inflation cost-of-living rises, year on year. The extreme increase in prices during 2022 and 2023 has brought this to a crisis point, and UNISON members working in Higher Education are facing real […]

Local settlements alongside the national pay bargaining

It is clear that while UCEA as a group are doggedly refusing to admit there is a problem with pay in the sector – and given that UCEA members / advisors are getting their information from employees “over the top of the national pay scale” perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised – individual HEIs are increasingly […]

Its not just that national pay bargaining hasn’t kept pace with inflation

University staff at all grades on the agreed pay scale have seen the value put on their work diminish year after year, not by some form of “natural process”, not by erosion or gravity, but by deliberate choices made year on year by the people running the universities: they pay us less, as the sectors […]

Securing the Legacy of the Year of Black Workers in Higher Education

This conference notes that the Year of Black Workers, and its focus of ‘Establishing Legacy to Generate Change’, is not the change we seek, it is merely the opportunity to generate change. Black Workers across our society often find themselves in low-paid, insecure work, with poor terms and conditions. Despite the Westminster Government denying that […]

Women’s Mental Health at Work

Conference notes that the workforce in the community sector especially in the social care sector is overwhelmingly female. The additional pressures on women working in the community sector, especially low paid women have seen almost 3 in 5 of these women experience poor mental health where work is a contributing factor. However, for Black women […]

Harassment: it’s not part of the job

Conference notes the TUC Anti-Racism Taskforce’s 2022 report into racism at work, which found that 41% of all Black workers surveyed had experienced racist behaviour at work. Many Black workers had experienced bullying, harassment and worse – and concerningly, the vast majority did not report this to their employer. In 2021, Business in the Community’s […]

The Importance of Leadership Training for Black Workers

Conference notes Black employees only hold 1.5 per cent of management and leadership positions in the UK. This is according to the Business in the Community (BITC) report, ‘Race at the Top’ which found that only 54,900 of the 3.9 million managers, directors and senior officials in the UK’s private and public sectors are Black. […]

Make 2024 the Year Of LGBT+ workers

Conference is pleased with the decision at National Delegate Conference (NDC) to make 2024 the Year of LGBT+ workers. This follows on from 2021, the Year of Young Workers, 2022 the Year of Disabled Workers and 2023 the Year of Black Workers. Conference, it is appropriate that in celebrating this victory at the National Delegates […]

Securing the legacy of the Year of Black Workers in 2024 and beyond

Conference following the success of UNISON’s Year of Black Workers 2023 (YOBW23), the NBMC wish to place on record our thanks to all of our activists who have driven this success throughout our union. Throughout the year we saw a renewed and focussed approach to challenging racism in the workplace and the experiences of Black […]


Conference notes that despite the significant numbers of Black workers in the frontline workforce, we are disproportionately underrepresented in managerial and senior levels and tend to be concentrated in the lower levels. We know this is a product of institutional racism, which means Black workers are often overlooked for development opportunities and promotion. Black workers […]

Raising awareness of neurodiversity and Black disabled workers

Conference notes that many employers still know little about neurodiversity and autism, and Black disabled workers who are neurodivergent often struggle to have their needs met in the workplace. This replicates the situation in society as a whole. For example, young Black boys are often written off as disruptive in school, based on stereotypes and […]

Organising Black Members within Social Workers

UNISON is the union for Social Workers, we are best placed to organise and support members in this area. Black members make up a large proportion of this worker group and this motion seeks to build on the excellent work of Year of Black Worker and looks to grow our membership amongst Black social workers, […]

>When will inequality end (The Motherhood Pay Penalty)

> The intersection of sexism and racism mean that often women of colour experience compounded disadvantage. A new report from the Fawcett Society supported by the #EthnicityPayGap Campaign, shows how the ‘Motherhood Pay Penalty’ means that mothers with two children take home 26% less income than women without children which impacts across the earning power […]