Disability Discrimination in Sickness Absence, Capability and Disciplinary Procedures

This Conference believes that energy companies continue to discriminate against disabled workers despite their obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act. Harsh sickness absence policies that fail to take account of disability related leave (as advised in the Code of Practice for Employment and Occupation), capability procedures that fail to recognise that performance can be affected […]

Centrica Pensions

This Conference notes with concern the policy of companies within the energy industry to close final salary pension schemes. This has moved forward with the announcement by Centrica pensions to fundamentally change their entire pension portfolio, where the protected final salary scheme is to be transferred resulting in increased contributions and reduced benefits for our […]

Positive Revision of PSC Handbook

The Police Staff Council (PSC) handbook has been used for some years. There is now a need to review the handbook in order to ensure it is meeting our member’s needs. For example, in recognition of widespread current practice relating to leave where reference is made to a ‘day’ or ‘days’, the handbook could make […]