Protecting UNISON members in the Community Rehabilitation Companies

Conference notes that on 1 June 2014, 8,000 former Probation Trust staff were transferred from the outgoing Probation Trusts to one of the 21 new Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs) as a result of the government’s misguided Transforming Rehabilitation reforms. On 1 February 2015, the CRCs were sold into private ownership by the Ministry of Justice. […]

Defending National Collective Bargaining in Police and Justice

Conference recognises that National collective bargaining has delivered decent pay and conditions for our members in police, probation and CAFCASS over many years and is something worth defending. Following the general election result, national collective bargaining may come under pressure from employers and politicians who do not support a national focus to pay and conditions […]

Opposing the Closure of Public Access Points at Police Stations

Conference recognises the unsavoury and unpopular cost saving decisions that Police Forces are considering to meet the ruthless funding gap imposed through the comprehensive spending reviews which are being continued by this government. The service cuts are putting the public, our members’ lives and their families at risk. The local Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) […]

Opposing the Collaboration of Force Control Rooms

Conference recognises the desperate cost saving initiatives forces are considering to meet the brutal funding gap imposed through the Governments comprehensive spending reviews. The service cuts being imposed on an already decimated police service are putting our members and the wider public’s lives at risk. The recent attempt to collaborate the Norfolk and Suffolk control […]

Police Force Alliances and Shared services – Learning the Lessons

Conference notes that in 2013 MP Damien Green spoke to the delegates at Police and Justice Conference and spoke about the great alliance going on between West Mercia and Warwickshire Police. As was pointed out the great success he was celebrating was not as great as he was trying to convince us. Not only had […]

National Police Air Support

Conference notes that the recent restructure proposed for the National Air Support service agreed by National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) formerly known as ACPO. Conference believes this is also supported by the North West Lead PCC. The new structure clearly shows a North/South divide on future provision in this key area of policing. We believe […]

Regional Devolution – The Implications for Police

Conference will be aware that Regional devolution in the North West will be a testing ground for future public sector provision as the funding changes and commissioning responsibilities involved in these new arrangements are put into practice. Devolution in the context of austerity and ever tightening budgets creates a significant concern that there is a […]


Conference notes that over the last few years it has been evident that the Police Service of Scotland is reducing public services through the closure and centralisation of localised contact, command, control centres, the custody estate and the implementation of a centralised computer system (i6). This has resulted in the collapse of contact, command and […]


The formation of the Police Service of Scotland by the Scottish Government in their Police and Fire Reform Act (2012) has left the service unable to recover VAT. HM Treasury has made a decision to not allow the Scottish Police or Fire & Rescue services to reclaim VAT due to the construction of that Act […]

Retention of Police Staff Jobs

In light of the disastrous election result in May and the resulting announcements that further cuts will be made to public services including Police and Probation. Theresa May has clearly stated in her speech to the Police Federation on May 20th “there is no ducking the fact that police spending will have to come down […]

Loss of Localism

Conference recognises that due to collaboration between Forces there is a loss of local knowledge and understanding of the demographics of the different counties. The importance of local policing, which builds strong links with all types of communities, is being eroded rapidly and the void is difficult to fill due to the loss of staff […]

Facts not fiction

We are all experiencing the effects of government cuts and the impact upon the police service. Officers and Staff are best placed to observe the difficulties the austerity program is causing to the service and the people who work within it. It is therefore important that these difficulties are reported accurately and the facts are […]


With austerity set to continue, there is a greater emphasis on forces to seek savings through collaboration. There are already a number of arrangements in place which are both good and bad examples. Conference believes we need to get smarter in how we support branches who are involved in a collaboration process. We therefore call […]


Conference understands the need to Vet Police staff both prior to and post-employment. Conference supports the Police Service in its aims to provide a safe and secure provision for the public and the staff who work within it. Threats from corruption and terror are very real and the vetting process is a useful tool in […]

Service Group and Link Liaison

The General Election results mean that the austerity program and cuts to the Police Service will continue in earnest. It is important that Police & Justice members have a political voice and we must take every opportunity to engage through the Link to raise our concerns and inform politicians about our campaigns. The Service Group […]